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06/22/2023 | Research

Project launch "DiWiBe - Understanding and Teaching the Digitization of Business and Commercial Occupational Areas

In the WÖRLD project network, 14 participating university locations are working on questions regarding the design and effects of digitization-related teacher training and continuing education in business education and economic education, addressing the competencies to be acquired by (prospective) teachers for planning and implementing digital and hybrid instruction. Building on specific preliminary work and cooperations of the respective locations, the activities of the network generate new synergies and have a direct impact on existing structures of teacher education in seven federal states.

"The goal of TP13 "DiWiBe - Understanding and Teaching the Digitization of Economic-Commercial Occupational Fields" to be worked on by the Department of Vocational and Business Education is to further develop the infrastructure of the DigiLLab set up by the TU Munich  and the teaching-learning resources on the topics of the digitization of work as well as Industry 4.0 that are based on it and already exist for teacher training and to make them usable independent of location. To this end, the TU Munich (Prof. Dr. Manuel Förster) and the University of Kassel (Prof. Dr. Michael Goller) are collaborating on the design of two strongly interlinked teaching-learning modules. Module 1 (led by the University of Kassel) deals with the changes in job-specific requirements caused by the digital transformation as well as their cross-professional aspects. Module 2 (led by TU Munich) focuses on (media) didactic requirements in light of the changes discussed in Module 1. Both modules aim to impart content-related and didactic competencies that enable teachers to develop, implement and evaluate professional teaching-learning situations against the background of curricular conditions and the specific initial situation of their schools and classes. Both modules will be made available as face-to-face learning on site in the DigiLLab facilities, web-based courses as well as blended learning environment. Proposals for broad transfer of the modules will be evidence-based. For this purpose, the adaptation of the existing teaching-learning materials of the DigiLLab to the structure of the two modules, the three teaching-learning formats as well as the tailoring to the three phases of teacher education will be comprehensively evaluated. The findings obtained will subsequently be processed and prepared for the public."