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WISE @ ICIS 2023

Presentation and discussion of our research at the International Conference on Information Systems 2023 in India, Hyderabad

The WISE team presented and discussed several research papers at ICIS2023 in India, Hyderabad. ICIS is the leading international conference on Information Systems, where conference papers are ranked in category A according to VHB JourQual 3. The theme of this year's conference was " Rising like a Phoenix: Emerging from the Pandemic and Reshaping Human Endeavors with Digital Technologies" and took place from December 10-13, 2023. The following two papers, which were produced in collaboration with Bern University of Applied Sciences, were presented:

  • Weber, F., Wambsganss, T., & Söllner, M. (2023). Design and Evaluation of an AI-based Learning System to Foster Students' Structural and Persuasive Writing in Law Courses. ICIS 2023 Proceedings. Forty-Fourth International Conference on Information Systems, Hyderabad.
  • Weber, F., Wambsganss, T., & Söllner, M. (2023). Supporting Human Cognitive Writing Processes: Towards a Taxonomy of Writing Support Systems. ICIS 2023 Proceedings. Forty-Fourth International Conference on Information Systems, Hyderabad.

The chair team was able to gain some impressions of Indian culture.