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New Honorary Professor at the Institute of Business Law: Prof. Dr. Olaf Däuper strengthens teaching in climate protection, energy and antitrust law
Today, Wednesday, Prof. Dr. Olaf Däuper received his certificate of appointment as Honorary Professor from Prof. Dr. Björn Frank, Dean of the Department of Economics. Professor Däuper then emphasized: "It is a great honour for me to be able to continue my commitment to the University of Kassel in my new role as Honorary Professor. This is an expression of great appreciation for my teaching to date, and I would like to thank Mr. Hornung and all my colleagues at the Institute of Business Law (IWR) for their support." Professor Gerrit Hornung is delighted on behalf of the Institute: "The IWR is very pleased to have gained such a high-caliber, academically committed practitioner. This is an important building block in maintaining the quality of teaching at Kassel Law at a high level."
Professor Däuper is a lawyer and partner at Becker Büttner Held | Rechtsanwälte - Steuerberater - Unternehmensberater PartGmbB, where he primarily advises on energy and antitrust law as well as on regulatory, infrastructure and planning law and related issues of constitutional and administrative law. He has been teaching climate protection, energy and antitrust law at IWR since 2017."