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Schedule of work lessons WS 21/22

Status: 13.08.2021

Registration for participation in courses in WiSe 21/22


Course catalog is published

Wed 01.09.21



Registration for participation in courses

(except module 12b and module P6:Seminar "Teaching Industrial Science")

Thu 02.09.21 until Mon 27.09.21

Admission (ZU), non-admission (ST), waiting list (WL) visible in online timetable

until Fri 08.10.21



Deadline for own cancellation of participationin seminars

Fri 08.10.21 - Mon 06.12.21



different: Module 12b


Registration for participation "Introduction to Woodworking/Metalworking"

(Courses: 11.-15.10.2021 and 18.-22.10.21)
Admission is automatic upon registration

Tue 06.07.21 - Tue 31.08.21

Registration for participation "Workplace School Kitchen"
(blocked, semester-long)

Admission is automatic upon registration

Wed 01.09.21 - Wed 15.09.21

deviating:  Module P6: "Teaching Work Science"

Registration via SPS

Registration for examinations and study achievements WiSe 21/22


Registration for specialization modules 1

Beg. Oct. - Mon 15.11.21 (!!)

Registration for Basic Modules 2

Begin. Oct. - Mon 17.01.22

Registration for collective examination module P1

Beg. Oct. - Mon 28.02.22



Examination withdrawal specialization module 1

Begin. Oct. - Tue 30.11.21
(in justified individual cases in writing until Mon 17.01.22)

Examination withdrawal Basic Modules 2

Begin. Oct. - Mon 17.01.22

Examination withdrawal collective examination module P1

Begin. Oct. - Mon 28.02.22



different: Module 12b

Registration and registration of the course achievements take place after presentation of the completely filled out­form "Sammelnachweis über Sicherheitsunterweisung" in the secretary's office of the FG Arbeitslehre.

Performance registration "Workplace school kitchen

Certificate of achievement "Introduction to Woodworking/Metalworking

Registration form "Safety instructions

Deadlines WiSe 21/22


Submission of all written work

  • Deviating deadlines are possible in individual cases under the responsibility of the lecturer.

until Mon 21.03.22

Further dates in WiSe 21/22


Collective examination module P1

Wed 02.03.22

Safety instruction (as part of M12b):

Mon 01.11.21



Note: Registration for in-depth modules  in summer term 22 probably possible until Mon 02.05.22.


1 In-depth modules are: P4, P5, P6, WP1
2 Basic modules are: P1, P2, P3, (12b)