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New publications

Two articles by Nadin Fromm have just been published:

Schreiner, C. and Fromm, N., 2022. Raus aus der Dauerkrise der Sozialwahlen - Trendwende durch E-Voting? In: Bernard B., Klenk, T. (eds.): SELBST verwalten! How volunteers help shape our health care system. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 215-233.

Wiegand, A.-L. and Fromm, N., 2022. electronic residence monitoring in Germany - case conferences as a crucial coordination instrument of a progressive policy measure in the penal system? In: dms - der moderne staat - Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management (online first), 1-22, https://doi.org/10.3224/dms.vXiX.04 (available as open access).