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WÖRLD network at the annual conference of the German Society for Economic Education (DeGÖB)

What is the DeGöB annual conference?

DeGöB is the scientific umbrella organization for economic education in German-speaking countries. The central task of DeGöB is to promote the development of economics education in research and teaching from a scientific and didactic perspective. In their research, the members of DeGöB deal with economic teaching and learning processes as well as their prerequisites and results. In teaching, DeGöB is responsible in particular for the economic didactics, but also in part for the economics components in the corresponding teacher training courses. DeGöB also promotes young academics in the field of economic education through conferences, workshops and a doctoral award.

The DeGÖB annual conference took place at the University of Duisburg-Essen from February 26 to 28, 2024. The main topic this year was "Evidence-based economics education". In the context of teaching quality, there have been increasing calls in recent years for empirical findings from subject didactics and educational research to be used as a basis for designing lessons. Teachers should plan, implement and evaluate lessons based on evidence.


How were we represented?

WÖRLD was represented with its own symposium entitled "Digital and hybrid teacher training under the conditions of practice transfer and evidence-based teaching". This gave the majority of WÖRLD's sub-projects the opportunity to discuss the conditions of evidence-based, digital and hybrid teacher training and digitally supported teaching, present their research questions and outline their practice-based research approaches. Prof. Dr. Jens Klusmeyer, Marian Thiel de Gafenco and Sina Schadow gave a moderating presentation that focused on the modeling of research-practice interaction in WÖRLD. The individual contributions from the WÖRLD consortium included:


- Sysder - Promoting systemic thinking in economic contexts with the help of digital escape rooms (Franziska Birke & Bernd Remmele)

- Educast(ing) as a medium and method for vocational orientation at lower secondary level (Tina Fletemeyer & Jessica Rehse)

- WiDiX - Teaching economics with digital experiments (Dirk Loerwald & Albert Henning Müller)

- Teaching scenarios and training opportunities for explanatory videos in economics lessons (Taiga Brahm & Theresa Hermann)

- KIWi-MOOC: A Massive Open Online Course to promote and record AI skills in the domain of economics (Stanley Schilling-Friedemann & Michel Meß)

- Digital transformation of learning situations in the context of professional learning communities (Karl Wilbers & Melanie Riedl)

- Strengthening reflection skills with digital simulations - requirements and examples (Ekkehard Köhler & Dilara Wiemann)

- DiWiBe - Understanding and teaching the digitalization of business and commercial professions (Manuel Förster & Michael Goller)

- LeWe 2.0 - Actor-model-related analysis of simulation experiences in business simulation games and their need for reflection in action-oriented digital teaching in the social sciences (Udo Hagedorn & Sebastian Seybusch)

Funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU and supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union, European Commission or the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Neither the European Union, the European Commission nor the Federal Ministry of Education and Research can be held responsible for them.