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Research stay of Prof. Söllner at the Bern University of Applied Sciences and the University of Bern

Research visit by Prof. Söllner to the University of Bern and Bern University of Applied Sciences

Professor Söllner had a successful visit to the Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) and the University of Bern, which took place over the last two weeks. During his stay, he had the opportunity to exchange ideas with Thiemo Wambsganß as well as other renowned researchers such as Roman Rietsche, Nikolaus Obwegeser, Ferdinand Thies, Matthias Stürmer, Reinhard Riedl, Christian Hopp and the entire BFH team.

Professor Söllner took the opportunity to talk about an ongoing research project in the field of legal writing at both institutions. The presentations took place at both BFH and the University of Bern and were met with great interest.

Special thanks go to Jens Dibbern, Christian Matt, P Kumar Sachin and the entire team of the Institute for Information Systems (IWI) for their inspiring discussions and valuable input.

Finally, Professor Söllner would like to thank the ELLIS - European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems and the ELISE - European Network of AI Excellence Centres for supporting his stay. These organizations made it possible for this fruitful scientific exchange to take place through the mobility program.

We look forward to the further research and collaborations that will emerge from this visit.


Visit to Bern University of Applied Sciences and the University of Bern

Professor Söllner reports on a successful visit to Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) and the University of Bern, which took place over the last two weeks. During his stay, he had the opportunity to connect with Thiemo Wambsganß and other prominent researchers such as Roman Rietsche, Nikolaus Obwegeser, Ferdinand Thies, Matthias Stürmer, Reinhard Riedl, Christian Hopp, and the entire BFH team.

Professor Söllner took the opportunity to give talks at both institutions about an ongoing research project in the field of legal writing. The lectures, held at BFH as well as at the University of Bern, were well received and sparked considerable interest.

Special thanks go to Jens Dibbern, Christian Matt, P Kumar Sachin, and the entire Institute of Information Systems (IWI) team for their inspiring discussions and valuable insights.

Finally, Professor Söllner would like to thank ELLIS - the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems, and ELISE - the European Network of AI Excellence Centres for funding his visit through their mobility program.

We look forward to the further research and collaborations that will arise from this visit.