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Free places in the seminar "Corona pandemic, Ukraine war - the economic dimensions".
There are still free places available for the seminar "Corona pandemic, Ukraine war - the economic dimensions" by Prof.…Discussion Paper "The Financial Resource Course Revisited: The Supply-Side Effect of Low Interest Rates" by Simon Hildebrandt and Jochen Michaelis
The research paper "The Financial Resource Course Revisited: The Supply-Side Effect of Low Interest Rate" by Simon…Simon Hildebrandt wins "Best Presentation Award" at ICEFR 2022
Simon Hildebrandt presented his current research work at the "11th International Conference on Economics and Finance…Discussion Paper "CBDC as Competitor for Bank Deposits and Cryptocurrencies" by Max Fuchs.
The research paper "CBDC as Competitor for Bank Deposits and Cryptocurrencies" by Max Fuchs is now available in the…Discussion Paper "Is a secondary currency essential? - On the welfare effects of a new currency" by Max Fuchs and Jochen Michaelis
The research paper "Is a secondary currency essential? - On the welfare effects of a new currency" by Max Fuchs and…Simon Hildebrandt and Max Fuchs participate in the "26th International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance
Simon Hildebrandt and Max Fuchs will present their research at the "26th International Conference on Macroeconomic…Research article "When the minimum wage really bites hard: The negative spillover effect on high-skilled workers" by Dr. Ulrich Zierahn is published in the Journal of Public Economics.
The paper "When the minimum wage really bites hard: The negative spillover effect on high-skilled workers" by Dr. Ulrich…Publication "Racing With or Against the Machine? Evidence on the Role of Trade in Europe" by Dr. Ulrich Zierahn appears in the Journal of the European Economic Association.
The Journal of the European Economic Association (JEEA) publishes the paper "Racing With or Against the Machine?…Luzie Thiel participates in the "CIMS Summer School and Conference 2021
Luzie Thiel is participating in the "Centre for International Macroeconomic Studies (CIMS) Summer School and Conference…Course Announcement: In the winter semester 2021/22 Prof. Dr. Michaelis and Dr. Benjamin Schwanebeck offer "Macroeconomics - Introduction to DSGE models and their solution using Dynare".
As part of the MAGKS program, Prof. Dr. Michaelis and Dr. Benjamin Schwanebeck offer the course "Macroeconomics -…