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12/19/2024 | Research | Institute of Vocational Education

New publication: "The media pedagogical competence of company training personnel - A trend study" (Bonnes, Goller, & Hochholdinger, 2024)

Media in in-company training - a matter of the skills of the training staff?

The media pedagogical competence of in-company training personnel - A trend studyC. Bonnes, M. Goller & S. Hochholdinger As part of a trend study, the self-assessed media pedagogical competence of in-company training personnel, the experience of safety in the use of software and hardware and the views on digital media in training before and after the COVID-19 pandemic were surveyed. Contrary to expectations, there were hardly any changes in the individual areas. Possible explanations for this and limitations of the study are discussed.  As part of a trend study, the self-assessed media pedagogical competence of company training staff, the perception of safety in the use of software and hardware and views on digital media in training before and after the COVID-19 pandemic were surveyed. Contrary to expectations, there were hardly any changes in the individual areas. Possible explanations for this and limitations of thestudy are discussed.
(Bonnes, Goller, & Hochholdinger, 2024)

We are pleased to announce that shortly before the holidays, the article "Die medienpƤdagogische Kompetenz des betrieblichen Ausbildungspersonals - Eine Trendstudie" by Carolina Bonnes, Sabine Hocholdinger and myself was published in the anthology "Betriebliches Aus- und Weiterbildungspersonal im Fokus der Berufsbildungsforschung" edited by Sandra Bohlinger, Ina Krause, Juliana Dienel, Luisa Kresse and Manuela Niethammer at wbv-Verlag.

The article examines the media pedagogical skills of in-company training staff in the course of the digital transformation, which has been intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic. A trend study was conducted to analyze possible changes in media pedagogical skills, confidence in using software and hardware and attitudes towards digital media in training. Data from the BIBB-DiMBA project from 2016 is compared with specially collected data from 2022/2023.

Although the pandemic has intensified the use of digital media, there are hardly any significant changes in media pedagogical skills. Only with regard to online communication and the use of newer hardware and social media do the respondents feel somewhat more confident over time.

The study illustrates the continuing need for professionalization and qualification of training staff in the areas of media didactics, media education and media integration. Despite generally positive assessments, knowledge deficits and their effects on the use of digital media in training are perceived as challenges. This is where further and advanced training measures for company training staff are needed to ensure the quality and modernity of company training in the long term.

The article can be downloaded free of charge (Open Access) here:

Bonnes, C., Goller, M., & Hochholdinger, S. (2024). The media pedagogical competence of in-company training personnel - A trend study. In S. Bohlinger, I. Krause, J. Dienel, L. Kresse, & M. Niethammer (Eds.), In-company initial and continuing vocational training personnel in the focus of vocational training research (pp. 237-250). wbv.