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Lecture by Dr. Christoph Peters at the Wirtschaftsjunioren Kassel

On Thursday, September 14, 2017, Dr. Christoph Peters, research group and project leader at the Department of Information Systems (Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister) at the University of Kassel gave a lecture at the Wirtschaftsjunioren Kassel. The focus of this lecture, which took place in the IdeaLab of the Science Park Kassel and was entitled "Support is waiting online - More time for the core business by means of crowd work", was the impact of digitalization on the world of work. And in particular the new opportunities and potentials that arise for companies when handling work via crowdworking platforms. 

The lecture took place at the invitation of Dr. Philipp Bitzer, founder and managing director of smarTransfer GmbH and chairman of Wirtschaftsjunioren Kassel e.V.. Dr. Peters' presentation was followed by a joint discussion on the opportunities and risks of crowd work with the evening's guests.