01/27/2025 | Forschung

Exciting News: Check Out Our Latest Special Issue!

We are happy to start 2025 with the release of a special issue on Recent Advances in Photonic Quantum Technologies, published in the Journal of Advanced Quantum Technology in celebration of 100 years of quantum science!

This special issue provides an in-depth exploration of recent advancements in the dynamic and rapidly progressing field of photonic quantum systems. Featuring 20 contributions: 3 Perspectives, 4 Reviews, and 13 Research Articles. The collection dives into diverse material systems—spanning from atom-based to artificial atom quantum emitters.

Key highlights include:
✨ Hybrid integration of single-photon emitters
✨ On-chip photon sources
✨ Color centers in nanophotonic structures
✨ Telecom-wavelength single-photon emission
✨ Molecule-based photon sources
✨ Quantum emitter-cavity coupling
✨ Quantum dot systems

I would like to thank all the contributors who made this special issue possible!

The special issue is freely available  here.


Image: Universität Kassel

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Benyoucef
Quantum Nano Photonics,
Institute for Nanostructure Technology and Analytics,
University of Kassel
Tel:  +49 561 804-4553
Email: m.benyoucef[at]physik.uni-kassel[dot]de