09/19/2023 | Personalia

DFG-Heisenberg professorship Grant

We congratulate Mohamed Benyoucef on receiving the German Research Foundation (DFG) Heisenberg Professorship grant for Quantum Nanophotonics. This project addresses various topics related to photonics and quantum optics.

Mohamed Benyoucef is head of the “Quantum Nano Photonics” department. He received his PhD degree from the University of Bristol (United Kingdom), and his habilitation from the UKS (Germany). Later assignments were with the UKS as the head of the Nano Optics group at INA, as well as with the IFW Dresden, the University of Stuttgart, and the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart. His research focuses on quantum optics and nanophotonics, including the fabrication, and characterization of nano-/micro-cavities in combination with integrated quantum emitters (quantum dots and molecules) and hybrid quantum systems for quantum technological applications. He is a PI of several quantum technology projects (DFG, BMBF, LÖWE). He is the editor of the book “Photonic Quantum Technologies: Science and Applications”. He also serves as a reviewer for many international journals, a member of the editorial advisory board, and a guest editor for special issues.

The objective of the DFG Heisenberg Program is to promote researchers who are eligible for appointment to a professorship and have demonstrated excellence in their research achievements.

More information on the Heisenberg Programme can be found at:



Prof. Dr. Mohamed Benyoucef
Quantum Nano Photonics,
Institute for Nanostructure Technology and Analytics,
University of Kassel
Tel:  +49 561 804-4553
Email: m.benyoucef[at]physik.uni-kassel[dot]de