

2015 Promotion zum Dr. rer. nat., Universität Leipzig, Deutschland
2009 Master in Biological Sciences (Zoology), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro), Brasilien
2006 Bachelor in Biological Sciences, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Brasilien


2012: European Union-funded Integrated Activities grant (SYNTHESYS)
2011–2015: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq, PhD student fellowship)
2010: European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy (EDIT, Basics of Taxonomy: Describing, Illustrating and Writing biodiversity)
2010–2011: Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD, Language Course student fellowship)
2007–2009: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq, Master student fellowship)
2003–2006: Secretaria de Ensino Superior (SESu, Tutorial education program - PET Biologia, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brasilien, Student fellowship)

Forschungsthema: Diversität, Taxonomie und Phylogeographie der Onychophora

Onychophoren sind urtümliche Lebewesen, deren geographische Verbreitung auf den Urkontinent Gondwana zurückgeht. Dennoch ist die Phylogenie und Taxonomie dieser Tiergruppe nicht vollständig geklärt. Sicher ist jedoch, dass die knapp 243 beschriebenen Arten nicht die gesamte Vielfalt dieser Tiergruppe repräsentieren. Daher nutze ich diverse morphologische, molekulare und zytologische Methoden, um die Artenvielfalt, kryptische Speziation, Phylogenie sowie geographische Verbreitung der Onychophora zu erforschen. Meine taxonomische Arbeit umfasst dabei Revisionen und Artbeschreibungen.


Boeger, W., …Oliveira, al. (2024): Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil: setting the baseline knowledge on the animal diversity in Brazil. Zoologia 41:e24005.

Brown, F.D., Ishengoma, E., Mayer, G., Pabón-Mora, N., Santos, M.E., Sears, K.E. & Oliveira, I.S.(2024): Uncovering developmental diversity in the field. Development 151:dev203084.

Oliveira, I.S., Jahn, H., Klinger, M. & Mayer, G. (submitted): Onychophora, Velvet Worms. In: G. Purschke & A. Schmidt-Rhaesa (Eds) Invertebrate Morphology and Evolution. Springer, Heidelberg.

Oliveira, I.S. (2023): An updated world checklist of velvet worms (Onychophora) with notes on nomenclature and status of names. ZooKeys 1184:133–260.

Oliveira, I.S. & Mayer, G. (2022): Phylum Onychophora. In: B. Schierwater & R. DeSalle (Eds) Invertebrate Zoology: A Tree of Life Approach. CRC Press, Oxon, 459–475.

Tait, N.N., Oliveira, I.S. & Mayer, G. (2022) Translation of N.B.K. Sänger’s (1871) “Peripatus capensis Gr. and Peripatus leuckartii n. sp.” (Onychophora), along with remarks about the author and significance of his work. Australian Zoologist 42:71–94.

Oliveira, I.S.*, Kumerics, A.*, Jahn, H., Müller, M., Pfeiffer, F. & Mayer, G. (2019): Functional morphology of a lobopod: Case study of an onychophoran leg. Royal Society Open Science 6:191200. *Shared first authorship.

Baer, A., Oliveira, I.S., Schmidt, S., Harrington, M.J. & Mayer, G. (2019): Mechanismen der Natur als Vorbild für nachhaltige Biomaterialien: Einblicke in den „Sekundenkleber“ der Stummelfüßer. Biologie in unserer Zeit 49: 418–425.

McCravy, K.W. & Oliveira, I.S. (2019): Onychophorans (Velvet Worms): Natural history and conservation of a vulnerable invertebrate taxon in the Caribbean islands. Caribbean Naturalist Special Issue 2: 135–155.

Oliveira, I.S., Ruhberg, H., Rowell, D.M. & Mayer, G. (2018): Revision of Tasmanian viviparous velvet worms (Onychophora: Peripatopsidae) with descriptions of two new species. Invertebrate Systematics 32: 909–932.

Jahn, H., Oliveira, I.S., Gross, V., Martin, C., Hipp, A., Mayer, G. & Hammel, J.U. (2018): Evaluation of contrasting techniques for X-ray imaging of velvet worms (Onychophora). Journal of Microscopy 270: 343–358.

Müller, M., Oliveira, I.S., Allner, S., Ferstl, S., Bidola, P., Mechlem, K., Fehringer, A., Hehn, L., Dierolf, M., Achterhold, K., Gleich, B., Hammel, J.U., Jahn, H., Mayer, G. & Pfeiffer, F. (2017): Myoanatomy of the velvet worm leg revealed by laboratory-based nanofocus X-ray source tomography. PNAS 114:12378–12383.

Martin, C., Gross, V., Hering, L., Tepper, B., Jahn, H., Oliveira, I.S., Stevenson, P.A. & Mayer, G. (2017): The nervous and visual systems of onychophorans and tardigrades: learning about arthropod evolution from their closest relatives. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 203: 565–590.

Oliveira, I.S. & Mayer, G. (2017): A new giant egg-laying onychophoran (Peripatopsidae) reveals evolutionary and biogeographical aspects of Australian velvet worms. Organisms Diversity & Evolution 17:375–391.

Oliveira, I.S.*, Bai, M.*, Jahn, H., Gross, V., Martin, C., Hammel, J. U., Zhang, W. & Mayer, G. (2016): Earliest onychophoran in amber reveals Gondwanan migration patterns. Current Biology 26: 2594–2601. *Shared first authorship.

Mayer, G., Oliveira, I.S., Baer, A., Hammel, J.U., Gallant, J. & Hochberg, R. (2015): Capture of prey, feeding, and functional anatomy of the jaws in velvet worms (Onychophora). Integrative and Comparative Biology 55: 217–227.

Oliveira, I.S., Lacorte, G.A., Weck-Heimann, A., Cordeiro, L.M., Wieloch, A.H. & Mayer, G. (2015): A new and critically endangered species and genus of Onychophora (Peripatidae) from the Brazilian savannah – a vulnerable biodiversity hotspot. Systematics and Biodiversity 13: 211–233.

Mayer, G., Franke, F.A., Treffkorn, S., Gross, V. & Oliveira, I.S. (2015): Onychophora. In: A. Wanninger (Ed.) Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Invertebrates 3: Ecdysozoa I: Non-tetraconata. Springer, Berlin, 53–98.

Mayer, G., Martin, C., Oliveira, I.S., Franke, F.A. & Gross, V. (2014): Latest anomalocaridid affinities challenged. Nature 516: E1–E2.

Baer, A., Oliveira, I.S., Steinhagen, M., Beck-Sickinger, A. & Mayer, G. (2014): Slime protein profiling: A non-invasive tool for species identification in Onychophora (velvet worms). Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 52: 265–272.

Oliveira, I.S., Lüter, C., Wolf, K.W. & Mayer, G. (2014): Evolutionary changes in the integument of the onychophoran Plicatoperipatus jamaicensis (Peripatidae). Invertebrate Biology 133: 274–280.

Oliveira, I.S., Tait, N.N., Strübing, I. & Mayer, G. (2013): The role of ventral and preventral organs as attachment sites for segmental limb muscles in Onychophora. Frontiers in Zoology 10:73. Freely available PDF.

Oliveira, I.S. & Mayer, G. (2013): Apodemes associated with limbs support serial homology of claws and jaws in Onychophora (velvet worms). Journal of Morphology 274: 1180–1190.

Oliveira, I.S., Schaffer, S., Kvartalnov, P.V., Galoyan, E.A., Palko, I.V., Weck-Heimann, A., Geißler, P., Ruhberg, H. & Mayer, G. (2013): A new species of Eoperipatus (Onychophora) from Vietnam reveals novel morphological characters for the South-East Asian Peripatidae. Zoologischer Anzeiger 252: 495–510.

Mayer, G. & Oliveira, I.S. (2013): Phylum Onychophora Grube, 1853. In: Zhang, Z.-Q. (Ed.) Animal biodiversity: An outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness (Addenda 2013). Zootaxa 3703: 15–16. Freely available PDF.

Jeffery, N.W., Oliveira, I.S., Gregory, T.R., Rowell, D.M. & Mayer, G. (2012): Genome size and chromosome number in velvet worms (Onychophora). Genetica 140: 497–504.

Oliveira, I.S., Franke, F.A., Hering, L., Schaffer, S., Rowell, D.M., Weck-Heimann, A., Monge-Nájera, J., Morera-Brenes, B. & Mayer, G. (2012): Unexplored character diversity in Onychophora (velvet worms): a comparative study of three peripatid species. PLOS ONE 7(12): e51220. Freely available PDF.

Oliveira, I.S., Read, V.M.St.J. & Mayer, G. (2012): A world checklist of Onychophora (velvet worms), with notes on nomenclature and status of names. ZooKeys 211: 1–70. Freely available PDF.

Oliveira, I.S., Lacorte, G.A., Fonseca, C.G., Wieloch, A.H. & Mayer, G. (2011): Cryptic speciation in Brazilian Epiperipatus (Onychophora: Peripatidae) reveals an underestimated diversity among the peripatid velvet worms. PLOS ONE 6(6): e19973. Freely available PDF.

Mayer, G. & Oliveira, I.S. (2011): Phylum Onychophora Grube, 1853. In: Zhang, Z.-Q. (Ed.) Animal biodiversity: An outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness. Zootaxa 3148: 98.

Lacorte, G.A., Oliveira, I.S. & Fonseca, C.G. (2011): Population structure and demographic inferences of the endangered onychophoran species Epiperipatus acacioi (Onychophora: Peripatidae). Genetics and Molecular Research 10: 2775–2785.

Lacorte, G.A., Oliveira, I.S. & Fonseca, C.G. (2011): Phylogenetic relationships among the Epiperipatus lineages (Onychophora: Peripatidae) from the Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Zootaxa 2755: 57–65.

Oliveira, I.S., Wieloch, A.H. & Mayer, G. (2010): Revised taxonomy and redescription of two species of the Peripatidae (Onychophora) from Brazil: a step towards consistent terminology of morphological characters. Zootaxa 2493: 16–34.

Oliveira, I.S. & Wieloch, A.H. (2005): Macroperipatus machadoi sp. n. (Onychophora: Peripatidae) da Floresta Atlântica de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Lundiana 6: 61–66.