Fields of interest/focus of work

  • Systematics, anatomy, ecology and distribution of Chenopodiaceae, in particular Salsoloideae and Suaedoideae
  • Dito Ephedraceae
  • Biogeography of the Mediterranean, South-West and Central Asia

Scientific career

  • 1952-1955 Study of Biology, Chemistry and Geology at the University of Potsdam; Dr. rer. nat. with the thesis “Die Grünlandgesellschaften des Oberspreewaldes und ihre Beziehungen zum Wasserfaktor” (Grasslands of the Oberspreewald and their relations to water supply)
  • 1955-1959 Scientific employee at the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Nature Conservancy Halle (E-Germany)
  • 1959-1961 Senior Researcher at the Academy of Science, Institute of Limnology Jena (E-Germany)
  • 1961-1966 Lecturer at the Institute of Botany, University of (Stuttgart-)Hohenheim
  • 1966-1971 Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Science, University of Kabul, Afghanistan
  • 1971 Habilitation with Venia Legendi in Botany at the University of Hohenheim with the thesis “Die natürliche Vegetation des südostspanischen Trockengebietes” (The natural vegetation of the arid regions in SE Spain)
  • 1971-1977 Assistant Professor at the Institute of Plant Taxonomy and Geobotany of the University of Goettingen
  • 1977-1997 Full Professor and head of the section Plant Taxonomy and Plant Morphology at the University of Kassel
  • 1997 Retirement, but continuing cooperation with the group, herbarium curator



Iamonico D, Freitag H, Jarvis ChE (2024): (3011) Proposal to conserve the name Polpoda capensis against Camphorosma paleacea (Molluginaceae). – Taxon 73(1): 313-314.


Mosyakin SL, Freitag H (2023): Proposal to conserve the name Soda against Sevada (Chenopodiaceae s.str./Amaranathaceae s.l.). – Taxon 72(6): 1371-1373.

Iamonico D, Freitag H (2023): (2971) Proposal to conserve the name Polycnemum majus against Camphorosma acuta (Amaranthaceae s.l.). – Taxon 72(4): 929-930.


Freitag H (2019): Comments on the Egyptian species of Ephedra L. (Ephedraceae). – Catrina 19(1): 15-18.


Raetzel S, Freitag H, Uhlich H (2018): Phelipanche kelleri. In Raab-Straube E & Raus Th (eds.), Euro+Med Checklist Notulae 9. – Willdenowia 48(2), pp. 210.

Mosyakin SL, Esser HJ, Freitag H (2018): The holotype of Chenopodium baryosmon (Chenopo-diaceae) rediscovered: just one of many type specimens from the private herbarium of Schultes, now in the Turczaninow herbarium at KW. – Phytotaxa 334(1): 49-54.


Falatoury AN, Iamonico D, Freitag H (2017): Nomenclature of Caroxylon imbricatum (Amar-anthaceae / Chenopodiaceae), with a new combination at variety rank. – Phytotaxa 331(1): 101-108.

Lomonosova M, Freitag H (2017): Amaranthaceae. In Marhold K & Kučera J (eds), IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 25. – Taxon 66 (5), pp.1249-1250 + E21-23.

Freitag H, Lomonosova M (2017): Restoration of Suaeda sect. Helicilla (Chenopodiaceae) and ty-pification of related taxa. – Phytotaxa 323(1): 51-60.

Ángeles Alonso M, Crespo MB, Freitag H (2017): Salicornia cuszcoensis (Amaranthaceae / Chenopodiaceae), a new species from Peru (South America). – Phytotaxa 319(3): 254-262.

Schüssler C, Freitag H, Kotoyeva N, Schmidt D, Edwards G, Voznesenskaya E, Kadereit G (2017): Molecular phylogeny and forms of photosynthesis in tribe Salsoleae (Chenopodiaceae). – J Exp Bot 68(2): 207-222.

Mosyakin SL, Freitag H, Rilke S (2017): Kali versus Salsola: the instructive story of a questionable nomenclatural resurrection. – Isr J Plant Sci 64, publ. online 27.3.2017.  


Freitag H, Großkurth A, Topp L (2016): Das Bunte Springkraut (Impatiens edgeworthii Hook. f.) jetzt auch in Hessen. – Botanik u. Naturschutz Hessen 29: 27-35.


Freitag H, Maier-Stolte M (2015): Ephedraceae. – Pp. 72 in P. Cuccuini et al, The Libyan collections in FI and studies on the Libyan Flora by R. Pampanini. – Bocconea 27(2).

Brandt R, Lomonosova M, Weising K, Wagner N, Freitag H (2015): Phylogeny and biogeography of Suaeda subg. Brezia (Chenopodiaceae / Amaranthaceae) in the Americas. – Pl Syst Evol. 301: 2351-2375.

Iamonico D, Friis I, Jarvis CE, Freitag H (2015): Nomenclatural notes on the genus Pteranthus (Caryophyllaceae) with lectotypifications of the names Camphorosma pteranthus and Pteranthus trigynus, and comments on Forsskål’s seeds sent from Egypt. – Taxon 64(4): 816-821.

Freitag H, Iamonico D (2015): Lectotypification of the name Polycnemum majus (Amaranthaceae s.str.). – Phytotaxa 202(3): 235-236.


Mosyakin SL, Rilke S, Freitag H (2014): (2323) Proposal to conserve the name Salsola (Chenopo-diaceae s.str., Amaranthaceae sensu APG) with a conserved type. – Taxon 63(5): 1134-1135.−

Kadereit G, Lauterbach M, Pirie M, Arafeh R, Freitag H (2014): When do different C4 leaf anatom-ies indicate independent C4 origins? – Parallel evolution of C4 leaf types in Camphorosmeae (Che-nopodiaceae). – J Exp Bot 65(13): 3499-3511.

Freitag H, Sennikov A (2014): (2256): Proposal to conserve the name Salsola sedoides Pall. against S. sedoides L. (Amaranthaceae/Chenopodiaceae). – Taxon 63(3): 186-187.  

Freitag H, Sennikov A (2014): The nomenclatural history of Salsola sedoides L. and Salsola sed-oides Pall. (Suaedoideae and Camphorosmoideae, Chenopodiaceae / Amaranthaceae). – Taxon 63(1): 151-160.


Freitag H, Kadereit G (2013): C3 and C4 leaf anatomy types in Camphorosmeae (Camphorosmo-ideae, Chenopodiaceae). – Pl Syst Evol: 300(4): 665-687.

Freitag H, Brandt R, Chatrenoor T, Akhani H (2013): Suaeda iranshahrii, a new species of Suaeda subgenus Brezia (Chenopodiaceae) from the Persian Gulf coasts. – Rostaniha (Bot J Iran) 14(1): 68-80.

Kakiuchi N, Higuchi M, Tanaka S, Nishikawa K, Kamikawa S, Ohtsuka I, Freitag H (2013): Phylo-genetic study on Ephedra plants related to Ephedra sinica by sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spaces 2 region (ITS2) in nuclear ribosomal DNA. – J Kyushu Univ of Health and Wel-fare 14: 169-172.

Freitag H (2013): − Pp. 114-115 Ephedraceae; Pp. 261-274 Chenopodiaceae, in Dittmann E (ed), Vascular Plants of Afghanistan, an Augmented Checklist .– Bonn. Scientia Bonnensis.

Dickoré WB, Schloeder C, Jacobs M, Spribille T, Freitag H (2013): Ochotonophila flava (Caryo-phyllaceae), a new species from Central Afghanistan. – Edinb J Bot 70(3): 405-412.  



Kakiuchi N, Mikage M, Ickert-Bond S, Maier-Stolte M, Freitag H (2011): A molecular phylogenetic study of the Ephedra distachya / E. sinica complex in Eurasia. – Willdenowia 41(2): 203-215.

Lomonosova M, Freitag H (2011): Typification of plant names in Suaedoideae (Chenopodiaceae) described by P. Pallas, C.A. Meyer and A. Bunge. – Willdenowia 41(2): 217-229.

Freitag H (2011): Typification of Salicornia perennans Willd. (Chenopodiaceae / Amaranthaceae) and the significance of names by Pallas. – Willdenowia 41(2): 231-237.

Kadereit G, Freitag H (2011): Molecular phylogeny of Camphorosmeae (Camphorosmoideae, Chenopodiaceae): implications for biogeography, evolution of C4 photosynthesis and taxonomy. – Taxon 60(1): 51-78.

Uotila P, Freitag H (2011): Chenopodiaceae. – Pp. 129 in Greuter W, Raab-Straube E. (eds),

Notulae ad floram euro-mediterraneam pertinentes No. 27 (Euro+Med Notulae 5). – Willdenowia 41(1).

Freitag H, Lomonosova M (2010): Suaeda. – In Schnittler M, Zemmrich A, Starke S, Virtual Flora of Mongolia. – Published online in


Freitag H, Hedge IC, Rafiqpoor MD, Breckle S-W (2010): Flora and Vegetation Geography of Af-ghanistan. – Pp. 79-115 in Breckle S-W, Dittmann A, Rafiqpoor MD (eds), Field Guide Afghanistan. Bonn. Scientia Bonnensis. - Ibid. Freitag H: Ephedraceae, pp. 196-201; Chenopodiaceae, pp. 374-413.


Lomonosova M, Freitag H (2009): Chenopodiaceae. In Marhol K, Breitwieser I (eds), IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 8. – Taxon 58(4) 1284.

Freitag H, Atamov V, Cetin E, Aslan M (2009): The genus Halothamnus Jaub. & Spach in Turkey. – Turk J Bot 33(5): 325-334.

Freitag H, Maier-Stolte M (2009): Ephedraceae. – In Schnittler M, Zemmrich A, Starke S., Virtual Flora of Mongolia (equivalent to c. 10 pages). – Published online in


Lomonosova M, Brandt R, Freitag H (2008): Suaeda corniculata (Chenopodiaceae) and related new taxa from Siberia. – Willdenowia 38(1): 81-109.

Lomonosova M, Freitag H (2008): The genus Suaeda (Chenopodiaceae) in Asian Russia. – Rastitel´n Mira Aziatsk Ross 2: 12-19 (in Russian with Engl. summary).

Akopian J, Gabrielyan I, Freitag H (2008): Fossil fruits of Salsola L. s.l. and Halanthium K. Koch (Chenopodiaceae) from Lower Pleistocene lacustrine sediments in Armenia. – Fedd Repert 119(3-4): 225-236.


Voznesenskaya EV, Chuong SDX, Koteyeva NK, Franceschi VR, Freitag H (2007): Structural, biochemical and physiological characterization of C4 photosynthesis in species having two vastly different types of Kranz anatomy in genus Suaeda (Chenopodiaceae). – Plant Biology 9(6): 745-757.

Kadereit G, Ball P, Beer S, Mucina L, Sokoloff D, Teege P, Yaprak AE, Freitag H (2007): A taxo-nomic nightmare becomes true: phylogeny and biogeography of glassworts (Salicornia L., Chenopodiaceae). – Taxon 56(4): 1143-1170.

Weising K, Freitag H (2007): Phylogeography of halophytes from European coastal and inland habitats. – Zool Anz 246(4): 279-292.

Danin A, Freitag H (2007): Beta adanensis Aellen. − In Greuter W, Raus, Th (eds), Med-Checklist Notulae 26. – Willdenowia 37: 436.


Kadereit G, Mucina L, Freitag H (2006): Phylogeny of Salicornioideae (Chenopodiaceae): diversi-fication, biogeography, and evolutionary trends in leaf and flower morphology. – Taxon 55(3): 617-642.

Freitag H, Lomonosova M (2006): Typification and identity of Suaeda crassifolia, S. prostrata and S. salsa: three often confused species of Suaeda sect. Brezia (Suaedoideae, Chenopodiaceae). – Willdenowia 36(1): 21-36.

Freitag H (2006): Physiognomische Anpassungen von Laubblättern an Umweltbedingungen. – Naturwiss Rundsch 59: 310-311.


Kadereit G, Gotzek D, Jacobs S, Freitag H (2005): Origin and age of Australian Chenopodiaceae. − Organisms, Div, Evol. 5(1): 59-80.


Freitag H, Maier-Stolte M (2003): The genus Ephedra in NE Tropical Africa. – Kew Bull 58(2): 415-426.

Lomonosova M, Freitag H (2003): A new species of Suaeda (Chenopodiaceae) from the Altai. – Willdenowia 33(1): 139-147.

Schütze P, Freitag H, Weising K (2003): An integrated molecular and morphological study on Suaedoideae Ulbr. (Chenopodiaceae). – Pl Syst Evol 239: 257-286.

Kadereit G, Borsch T, Weising K, Freitag H (2003): Phylogeny of Amaranthaceae and Chenopo-diaceae and the evolution of C4-photosynthesis. – Int J Pl Sci 164(6): 959-986.


Freitag H, Stichler W (2002): Bienertia cycloptera Bunge ex Boiss., Chenopodiaceae, another C4 plant without Kranz tissues. – Plant Biol. 4: 121-131.

Voznesenskaya EV, Franceschi VR, Kiirats O, Artyusheva EG, Freitag H, Edwards G (2002): Proof of C4 photosynthesis without Kranz anatomy in Bienertia cycloptera (Chenopodiaceae). – The Plant J 31: 649-662.


Voznesenskaya EV, Franceschi VR, Kiirats O, Freitag H, Edwards G (2001): Kranz anatomy is not essential for terrestrial C4 plant photosynthesis. – Nature 414: 543-546.

Freitag H (2001): Suaeda, Bienertia – Pp 104-126; Salsola. – Pp 127-178 in Ali SI, Qaiser M (eds), Flora of Pakistan 204. – Karachi/St. Louis. Karachi University Press.

Freitag H, Golub VB, Yuritsina NA (2001): Halophytic plant communities in the northern Caspian lowlands: 1, Annual halophytic communities. – Phytocoenologia 31: 63-108.

Caveney St, Charlet DA, Freitag H, Maier-Stolte M, Starrat AN (2001): New observations on the secondary chemistry of World Ephedra (Ephedraceae).Am J Bot 88: 1199-1208.


Freitag H, Stichler W (2000): A remarkable new leaf type with unusual photosynthetic tissue in a Central Asian genus of Chenopodiaceae. – Plant Biol 2: 154-160.

Freitag H, Duman H (2000): An unexpected new taxon of Salsola from Turkey. – Edinburgh J Bot 57: 339-348.

Freitag H (2000): Chenopodiaceae. – Pp 57-65; Zygophyllaceae – Pp 75-76 in Güner & al. (eds), Flora of Turkey Vol. 11 (Suppl.2). – Edinburgh University Press.


Freitag H (1999): Die Evolution der Landpflanzen. − Pp 101-123 in Fasterding M (ed), Auf den Spuren der Evolution. – Gelsenkirchen/Schwelm. Archaea.

Freitag H, Vural M, Adıgüzel N (1999): A remarkable new Salsola and some new records of Chenopodiaceae from Central Anatolia, Turkey. – Willdenowia 29: 123-139.

Vural M, Adıgüzel N, Freitag H, Freitag A (1999): A little heaven for chenopods: Nallihan Bird Sanctuary. – Karaca Arboretum Mag 5: 49-58.


Freitag H (1997): Salsola. – Pp 154-177 in Rechinger KH (ed), Flora Iranica. Flora des Iranischen Hochlandes und der umgebenden Gebirge No. 172. – Graz. Akademische Druck- u. Verlags-anstalt.

Freitag H, Özhatay E (1997): A new subspecies of Salsola canescens (Chenopodiaceae) from SW Anatolia, Turkey. – Willdenowia 27: 185-190.


Freitag H, Maier-Stolte M (1996): Ephedraceae. – Pp 76-79 in Miller AG, Cope A (eds), Flora of the Arabian Peninsula and Socotra Vol.1. – Edinburgh University Press.

Freitag H, Walter J, Wucherer W (1996): Die Gattung Suaeda (Chenopodiaceae) in Österreich, mit einem Ausblick auf die pannonischen Nachbarländer. – Ann Naturhist Mus Wien 98 B Suppl.: 343-367.


Freitag H (1995): Touran Protected Area, Biosphere Reserve, Iran. – Pp 320-323 in Davis SD, Heywood VH, Hamilton AC (eds), Centres of Plant Diversity Vol 1. – Oxford University Press.


Freitag H, Maier-Stolte M (1994): Ephedraceae. – Pp 5-16, 39-52 in Browicz K (ed.), Chorology of Trees and Shrubs in South-West Asia and Adjacent Regions Vol 10. – Poznań, Bogucki.

Freitag H, Paul A (1994): Quellen und Quellvegetation in Landkreis Kassel. – Natursch Nordhessen 14: 11-19.


Müller-Stoll WR, Freitag H, Krausch H-D (1993): Der Wasserhaushalt des Oberspreewaldes und die potentielle natürliche Vegetation. – Gleditschia  21: 77-97. (Essentially a shortened version of the thesis „Die Grünlandgesellschaften des Oberspreewaldes und ihre Beziehungen zum Standort, insbesondere zum Wasserfaktor“ by H Freitag).

Freitag H, Maier-Stolte M (1993): Ephedra. – Pp 49 in Tutin TG & al (eds), Flora Europaea ed 2, Vol. 1. – Cambridge University Press.


Freitag H, Maier-Stolte M (1992): A new species and a new combination in the genus Ephedra from Arabia. – Edinb J Bot 49: 89-93.

Müller-Stoll WR, Freitag H, Krausch H-D (1992): Die Grünlandgesellschaften des Spreewaldes. 1-4.– Gleditschia 20: 235-326.


Freitag H (1991): The distribution of some prominent halophytic Chenopodiaceae in SW Asia and their phytogeographical significance. – Flora et Vegetatio Mundi 9: 281-292.

Freitag H, Boulos L (1991): Notes on the Chenopodiaceae in Collenette´s illustrated Guide to the Flowers of Saudi-Arabia. – Candollea 46: 81-84.

Freitag H (1991): The Chenopodiaceae of Pakistan – an assessment of present knowledge. – Pp. 73-93 in Ali SI, Ghaffar A. (eds), Plant Life of South Asia. – Karachi. Shamin Printing Press.


Freitag H (1989): Contributions to the chenopod flora of Egypt. – Flora 183: 149-173.

Freitag H (1989): Piptatherum and Stipa (Gramineae) in the Arabian Peninsula and Tropical East Africa. – Pp 115-132 in Kit Tan (ed), The Davis and Hedge Festschrift. – Edinburgh.

Freitag H, Maier-Stolte M (1989): The Ephedra species of P. Forsskal: Identity and typification. – Taxon 38: 545-556.

Freitag H, Kothe-Heinrich G (1989): 5 Jahre Feldflorareservat “Hielöcher” im östlichen Meißner-vorland. – Verh Ges Ökol 19: 128.


Freitag H, Khani K (1987): Salsola griffithii (Chenopodiaceae) comb. nova – a remarkable species from the sand deserts of SW Asia. – Pl Syst Evol 155: 49-54.


Freitag H (1986): Notes on distribution, climate, and flora of the sand deserts in Iran and Afgha-nistan. – Proceed Roy Soc Edinb 89B: 135-146.

Freitag H, Maier-Stolte M, Stiegemaier M (1986): Die Fruchtflügel in den Gattungen Salsola L. und Halothamnus Spach (Chenopodiaceae). – Beitr Biol Pflanzen 61: 87-98.

Freitag H (1986): Flora und Vegetation. – Pp 65-87 in Bucherer P, Jentsch C (eds), Afghanistan. Ländermonographie. – Liestal. Stiftung Bibliotheca Afghanica.

Freitag H (1986): Empfehlungen zur Pflege, Erhaltung und Anlage von Hecken. – Naturschutz Nordhessen 9: 33-44.

Freitag H, Maier-Stolte M (1986): On the identification and distribution of some Ephedra species in C-Iran and Afghanistan. – Proceed Roy Soc Edinb 89B: 310.


Freitag H (1985): The genus Stipa (Gramineae) in Southwest and South Asia. – Not Roy Bot Gard. Edinb 42: 355-489.


Freitag H (1983): Astragalus kavirensis, eine neue Art von Astragalus sect. Ammodendron (Legu-minosae) aus dem Iran. – Willdenowia 13: 133-136.


Freitag H (1982): Mediterranean characters of the vegetation in the Hindukush Mts., and the rela-tionship between sclerophyllous and laurophyllous forests. – Mediterranea 8: 381-388.


Freitag H (1980): Vegetation. – Pp. 188-190, 196-199, 243-245 & Preliminary Vegetation Map of Touran Biosphere Reserve. In Department of the Environment Tehran (main author B. Spooner), The Turan Programme. – In Biswas MR, Biswas AK (eds), Desertification: associated case studies prepared for the UN Conference on Desertification. – Environmental sciences and applications 12. Oxford, Pergamon Press.

Freitag H, Kuhle M (1980): A plant list from the Kuh-e-Jupar (SE-Iran), with some ecological remarks. – Willdenowia 10: 161-169.

Freitag H. Podlech D (1980): Zwei neue Astragalus-Arten aus dem Touran-Schutzgebiet im Iran. – Mitt Bot Staatssamml. München 16: 7-10.


Freitag H (1977): Amygdalus wendelboi (Rosaceae), a new species from Southern Iran. – Iran J Bot 1: 117-120.

Freitag H (1977): A supplement to W. van Zeist & S. Bottema, Palynological investigations in Western Iran. – Palaeohistoria 19: 87-95.


Freitag H (1976): Flora und Vegetation. – Pp 66-77 in Usman Malik M, Schimmel A. (eds), Pakistan. Tübingen/Basel, Erdmann.


Freitag H (1975): The genus Piptatherum, Gramineae, in Southwest Asia. – Not Roy Bot Gard Edinb 33: 341-408.

Freitag H (1975): Zum Konkurrenzverhalten von Quercus ilex und Quercus pubescens unter mediterran-humidem Klima. – Bot Jahrb Syst 96: 53-70.


Freitag H, Meher-Homji VM, Gupta RK (1973): Bibliography on Plant-Ecology in Afghanistan. – Excerpta Bot, Sect B 12: 310-315.


Freitag H (1972): Interesting and new Lamiaceae and Capparidaceae from Afghanistan. – Not Roy Bot Gard Edinb 31: 351-357.

Freitag H (1972): Neue Arten aus Afghanistan: Amygdalus browiczii und Leontice silvatica. – Bot Jahrb Syst 91: 470-477.

Freitag H (1972/1986): Flora und Vegetation. – Pp. 50-67 in Kraus W. (ed), Afghanistan. – Tübingen/Basel. Erdmann / Pp.65-87 in Bucherer-Dietschi P & Jentsch Ch (eds), Afghanistan. Ländermonographie. – Liestal. Stiftung Bibliotheca Afghanica.

Freitag H, Riedl H (1972): Drei neue Boraginaceeen-Species der Flora von Afghanistan. – Oesterr Bot Z 120: 137-142.


Freitag H (1971): Die natürliche Vegetation Afghanistans. Beiträge zur Flora und Vegetation Afghanistans I. – Vegetatio (Den Haag) 22: 285-344.

Freitag H (1971): Studies in the natural vegetation of Afghanistan. – Pp. 89-106 in Davis P & al (eds), Plant Life of South-West Asia. – Aberdeen University Press.

Freitag H (1971): Die natürliche Vegetation des südostspanischen Trockengebietes. – Bot Jahrb Syst 91: 147-308.

Freitag H (1971): Zur Kenntnis afghanischer Plumbaginaceen. – Ann Naturhist Mus Wien 75: 67-75.


Freitag H, Wendelbo P (1970): The genus Bellevalia in Afghanistan. – Isr J Bot (Jerusalem) 19: 220-224.


Freitag H (1968): Über den Fund von Enneapogon persicus Boiss. in Spanien. – Collect Bot (Barcelona) 7: 483-493.

1966 (1967, 1970)

Freitag H, Schwaeble F (1966): Wiesenblumen und Ackerblumen. – Stuttgart, Belser, 256 p.; Dutch transl. 1967: Weidebloemen en akkerbloemen. – Wageningen, Gebr Zomer & Keunings; French transl. 1970: Fleur des prés et des champs. – Paris, Hatier; Danish transl. 1970: Engtblomster og Markblomster – København, Wøldike.


Freitag H (1964): Die Waldgesellschaften der Rouvière bei Montarnaud. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Vegetation des Languedoc. Pp. 155-189 in Kreeb KH (ed), Beiträge zur Phytologie (Festschr H. Walter). – Stuttgart, G Fischer.

Freitag H, Krausch HD (1964): Vegetationskarte des Großen Stechlin-Sees. Limnologica (Berlin) 2/2. Beilage zu Krausch H-D, Die Pflanzengesellschaften des Stechlinsee-Gebietes I.


Freitag H (1962): Flora und Vegetation des Stechlin-Sees (Vorl. Mitt.). Mitt Flor-soz Arbeitsgem (Stolzenau/Weser) NF 9: 261-264.

Freitag H (1962): Einführung in die Biogeographie von Mitteleuropa. – Stuttgart. G Fischer, 214 p.


Freitag H, Krausch HD (1961): Vegetationskarte des Oberspreewaldes 1:40.000. – Leipzig/Jena. Velhagen & Klasing/G.Fischer (unpublished, but one poof copy in Staatsbibliothek Berlin, Kat. 34.183).


Freitag H (1958): Die Grünlandgesellschaften des Oberspreewaldes und ihre Beziehungen zum Standort, insbesondere zum Wasserfaktor. – Thesis Päd Hochschule Potsdam (unpubl, copies in SLUB Dresden and Univ.Bibl, Jena).

Freitag H, Markus Ch, Schwippl I (1958): Die Wasser- und Sumpfpflanzengesellschaften im Mag-deburger Urstromtal südlich des Fläming. Beitr Flora und Vegetation Brandenburgs 22. – Wiss Z Päd Hochschule Potsdam, Math-Nat Reihe 4: 65-92.

Freitag H, Körtge U (1958): Die Pflanzengesellschaften des Zarth bei Treuenbrietzen. Beitr Flora und Vegetation Brandenburgs 20. – Wiss Z Päd Hochschule Potsdam, Math-Nat Reihe 4: 29-53.


Freitag H (1957): Stipa pennata L. und Anemone pulsatilla L. im Hohen Fläming. – Pp. 115-116 in Fischer W, Freitag H, Krausch H-D, Richter G, Rüffle L, Neue und bemerkenswerte Pflanzen aus der Mark Brandenburg, Beitr Flora und Vegetation Brandenburgs 16. – Wiss Z Päd Hochschule Potsdam, Math-Nat Reihe 3.

Freitag H (1957): Vegetationskundliche Beobachtungen an Grünland-Gesellschaften im Nieder-Oderbruch. Beitr Flora und Vegetation Brandenburgs 18. – Ibid. 3: 125-139.

Freitag H, Müller-Stoll WR (1957): Beiträge zur bestandesklimatischen Analyse von Wiesen-gesellschaften (Untersuchungen im Ober-Spreewald). – Angew Meteorol (Berlin) 3: 16-30.

Freitag H (1957): Floristische Beobachtungen in Südwest- und Südost-Brandenburg. Verh Bot Ver Prov Brandenburg (Berlin): 83-97.