

2019 Promotion zum Dr. rer. nat., Universität Kassel, Deutschland
2012 Master of Science Biologie (M.Sc.), Universität Leipzig, Deutschland
2010 Bachelor of Science Biologie (B.Sc.), Universität Leipzig, Deutschland


Gross, V. & Treffkorn, S. (submitted): Tardigrada, Water Bears. In: G. Purschke & A. Schmidt-Rhaesa (Eds) Invertebrate Morphology and Evolution. Springer, Heidelberg

Treffkorn, S., Mayer, G. & Janssen, R. (2022): Review of extra-embryonic tissues in the closest arthropod relatives, onychophorans and tardigrades. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 377: 20210270.

Treffkorn, S., Lagos, O.Y.H. & Mayer, G. (2019): Evidence for cell turnover as the mechanism responsible for the transport of embryos towards the vagina in viviparous onychophorans (velvet worms). Frontiers in Zoology 16:16.

Treffkorn, S. & Mayer, G. (2019): Expression of NK genes that are not part of the NK cluster in the onychophoran Euperipatoides rowelli (Peripatopsidae). BMC Developmental Biology 19:7.

*Gross, V., *Treffkorn, S., Reichelt, J., Epple, L., Lüter, C., & Mayer, G. (2019): Miniaturization of tardigrades (water bears): Morphological and genomic perspectives. Arthropod Structure and Development 48:12–19. *Equal contribution.

Treffkorn, S., Kahnke, L., Hering, L. & Mayer, G. (2018): Expression of NK cluster genes in the onychophoran Euperipatoides rowelli: Implications for the evolution of NK family genes in nephrozoans. EvoDevo 9:17.

Treffkorn, S. & Mayer, G. (2017): Conserved versus derived patterns of controlled cell death during the embryonic development of two species of Onychophora (velvet worms). Developmental Dynamics 246:403–416.

Gross, V., Treffkorn, S. & Mayer, G. (2015): Tardigrada. In: A. Wanninger (Ed.) Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Invertebrates 3: Ecdysozoa I: Non-Tetraconata. Springer-Verlag, Vienna. pp. 25–52.

Mayer, G., Franke, F.A., Treffkorn, S., Gross, V. & Oliveira, I.S. (2015): Onychophora. In: A. Wanninger (Ed.) Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Invertebrates 3: Ecdysozoa I: Non-Tetraconata. Springer-Verlag, Vienna. pp. 53–98.

Treffkorn, S. & Mayer, G. (2013): Expression of the decapentaplegic ortholog in embryos of the onychophoran Euperipatoides rowelli. Gene Expression Patterns 13: 384–394. Freely available PDF.


Expression of the decapentaplegic ortholog in embryos of the onychophoran Euperipatoides rowelli. 106. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft (DZG) 2013, München, Deutschland.


Unique patterns of decapentaplegic expression in embryos of the onychophoran Euperipatoides rowelli (Peripatopsidae). 2nd BioSyst.EU / Global Systematics meeting 2013, Wien, Österreich.

Embryology of the tardigrade Hypsibius dujardini with a focus on neural development. 15. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik 2014, Dresden, Deutschland.

Embryology of the tardigrade Hypsibius dujardini with a focus on neural development. 3rd International Congress on Invertebrate Morphology 2014, Berlin, Deutschland.

Analysis of Hox genes in the water bear Hypsibius dujardini (Tardigrada). 107. Jahrestagung der Deutschen zoologischen Gesellschaft (DZG) 2014, Göttingen, Deutschland.

Analysis of the Hox gene complement in Hypsibius dujardini with a focus on the three Abdominal B copies. 13th International Tardigrade Symposium 2015, Modena, Italien.