2013 - Successful cooperation awarded Claas Prize
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The Claas Foundation recently awarded a bachelor's thesis that was written as part of the cooperation between the University of Kassel / Agricultural Engineering Witzenhausen, the University of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden / Mechanical Engineering and CLAAS Selbstfahrende Erntemaschinen GmbH in the field of acoustic blade condition detection in harvesters.
The final thesis was written by Luise Merbach (28), a mechanical engineering student from Schmalkalden. Her thesis deals with the acoustic detection of the knife condition. The basic assumption is that a dull blade sounds different from a sharp blade. The aim is to find the optimum time for sharpening the blade.
The work was supervised by Professor Frank Beneke from the Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences, Hubertus Siebald from the University of Kassel / Agricultural Engineering Witzenhausen, and Jochen Huster from CLAAS Selbstfahrende Erntemaschinen GmbH.
The CLAAS Foundation awarded students from Germany and England for their final theses in the field of agricultural engineering with a scholarship for gifted students. Luise Merbach received the second prize of 6,000 euros.
About the CLAAS Foundation
The foundation works with a jury of international experts in agricultural science and cooperates with renowned universities in Germany and abroad. The foundation's endowment amounts to 6.5 million euros. In addition to the Helmut Claas Scholarship, the CLAAS Foundation also supports international research projects at universities and promotes initiatives at schools to get students excited about science and technology. [ more... ]