2017 - Postdoc UNIKAT Fellowship

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B.Braun Melsungen AG supports the Otto Braun Fund of the University of Kassel and thus enables the Postdoc UNIKAT Fellowship. This fellowship gives Andrea Dührkoop the opportunity to conduct applied research and development based on her own research results for the development of innovative applications.

In her dissertation, she dealt with the constructive and functional development of a self-controlling subsurface irrigation system. Porous hoses laid underground supply the soil with water as required. If the soil is dry, the hose releases water. If the soil becomes wetter, the amount of water released is also reduced. Careful attention must be paid to the quality of the irrigation water during operation, as the subsurface irrigation system reacts to water contamination by reducing the flow rate, which has a detrimental effect on plant development.

The task of further research must therefore be to develop technical processes that maintain the long-term performance of the irrigation technology in irrigation operation.

With the help of the post-doctoral UNIKAT grant, a suitable maintenance and renovation technique can be researched, tested and developed to application maturity.

Intelligent irrigation technology

funded by

Otto Braun Fund of the University of Kassel
