2012 CTF

Direct sowing, which dispenses with soil tillage in all forms, may leave the topsoil more heavily compacted than other farming methods, resulting in poorer plant development. Paradoxically, the solution for this problem lies in outer space. In so-called ‘controlled traffic farming’, satellites steer tractors over the fields on permanent tracks, as if on rails. In order for this to work, the working width of all machines must be matched. In this way, only a relatively small area of the field is driven over and compacted. ART is studying the effect that this process has on soils, plants, mechanisation and profitability. It is hoped that the system will reduce compaction, benefit soil structure, and improve the supply of nutrients and water to plants.

Doctoral Thesis :

Studies on Controlled Traffic Farming and Satellite-Based Guidance Systems

CTF Europe



responsible : Dr. Martin Holpp