Verfütterung von verschiedenen Raufuttermitteln als Präventivmaßnahme zur Vermeidung von Durchfall und Atemwegserkrankungen

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Project implementation

Charlotte Marien


The planned research project aims to investigate whether feeding Jerusalem artichoke tubers and maize and clover silage can have an effect on stabilizing the microbiota and reducing the incidence of diarrhoea and respiratory diseases. The project consists of two studies. In the first trial, the effects of feeding fresh Jerusalem artichoke tubers as NSP-rich juice feed on the composition of the intestinal microflora and the excretion of pathogenic germs and endotoxins in fattening pigs will be investigated. In the second trial, the effects of feeding the roughage maize and clover-grass silage on the stability of the intestinal microflora, the excretion of pathogenic germs and endotoxins and their subsequent effect on the stability of the microbiota in the intestine and on the lung health of fattening pigs will be investigated. The results of the planned research project should help to verify the potential benefit of the preventive measure of roughage feeding against the occurrence of respiratory and diarrheal diseases in fattening pigs and to gain knowledge about the possibilities of influencing the microbiota in the pig intestine. This can make an important contribution to improving animal health on organic pig fattening farms.


  • Roughage
  • Jerusalem artichoke
  • intestinal microflora
  • animal health


Marien, Charlotte and Sundrum, Albert (2011) Juice feed suppresses pathogenic microflora in the intestines of fattening pigs. Lecture at: 11th Scientific Conference on Organic Farming, Giessen, March 15-18, 2011.