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Head of Section

Office Management

Senior staff of the GNR Research focus areas

Scientific staff

M.Sc. Lena Voßkuhl

Postgraduate researcher (Doctoral Candidate)

Universität Kassel
Faculty Organic Agricultural Sciences
Section of Grassland Science and Renewable Plant Resources
Steinstrasse 19
D-37213 Witzenhausen
37213 Witzenhausen
Lecture hall building Steinstrasse, Hörsaalgebäude Steinstraße

Brief introduction  (M.Sc. Lena Voßkuhl)

Lena Voßkuhl is a research assistant at the Department of Grassland Science and Renewable Resources (GNR) since January 2022. She already specialised in renewable raw materials and sustainable cultivation systems during her studies in ecological agricultural sciences. She is currently deepening this topic in the research project "Sustainable Land Use Systems - Agroforestry Systems" funded by the State of Hesse. The focus of her work hereby lies on testing an established agroforestry system regarding plants' root and soils' pore space in conjunction with above-ground biomass growth. She furthermore accompanies the establishment of a new agroforestry system from nut trees on the Hessian state domain Frankenhausen.

Research interests  (M.Sc. Lena Voßkuhl)

Agroforestry systems, bioenergy, climate change, nature conservation, extensive grassland, biodiversity

Current research projects  (M.Sc. Lena Voßkuhl)

Technical and administrative staff

Former staff members