
Head of Section

Office Management

Senior staff of the GNR Research focus areas

Scientific staff

M.Sc. Matthias Wengert

Postgraduate researcher (Doctoral Candidate)

University of Kassel
Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences
Section of Grassland Science and Renewable Plant Resources
Steinstr. 19
37213 Witzenhausen
Lecture hall building Steinstrasse

Brief introduction  (M.Sc. Matthias Wengert)

Matthias Wengert is a research assistant and PhD-Student at the department of Grassland Science and Renewable Plant Resources at the University of Kassel. His research focus is drone-based remote sensing methods for the analysis of spatio-temporal variability of plant parameters in agricultural crops. He is working in various projects investigating yield, quality and sward composition (projects GreenDairy and KleeAss) as well as the impact of grazing (project Insect diversity through pasture feeding) on legume-grass-mixtures with means of drone-based remote sensing. Another research field lies in the development of drone-based methods for surveying yield-related plant parameters in silvoarable and silvopastoral agroforestry systems (Project SIGNAL, phase 2).

Research interests  (M.Sc. Matthias Wengert)

Agroforestry systems; Drone-based remote sensing; Extensive Grasslands; Forage cropping

Current research projects  (M.Sc. Matthias Wengert)

GreenDairy - Integrierte Tier-Pflanze-Agrarökosysteme

KleeAss - Differenziertes Feldfuttermanagement: Systemvergleich auf Fruchtfolgeebene

Insektenvielfalt durch Weidehaltung

Publications  (M.Sc. Matthias Wengert)


Saucke, H., Nicol, C., Schelp, C., Wengert, M., Wijesingha, J., Stein-Bachinger, K., 2024. Kleegrasflächen mit Milchviehbeweidung: Einflüsse auf die Artenvielfalt am Beispiel Hessische Staatsdomäne Frankenhausen, in: Oberhofer, M. (Hrsg.), Beiträge zur 17. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau. FiBL Projekt GmbH, FiBL Frick, S. TBD.


Wengert, M., Wijesingha, J., Schulze-Brüninghoff, D., Wachendorf, M., Astor, T., 2022. Multisite and Multitemporal Grassland Yield Estimation Using UAV-Borne Hyperspectral Data. Remote Sensing 14, 2068.


Wengert, M., Piepho, H.-P., Astor, T., Graß, R., Wijesingha, J., Wachendorf, M., 2021. Assessing spatial variability of barley whole crop biomass yield and leaf area index in silvoarable agroforestry systems using UAV-borne remote sensing. Remote Sensing 13, 2751.


Wijesingha, J., Astor, T., Schulze-Brüninghoff, D., Wengert, M., Wachendorf, M., 2020. Predicting Forage Quality of Grasslands Using UAV-Borne Imaging Spectroscopy. Remote Sensing 12, 126.

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