Stimulants/Luxury Foods
C O F F E E – don’t drink so much coffee!?
Coffee or tea belong to our everyday lives. They come to us from Africa, Asia or Latin America. They occupy land where other foods could be grown, yet their export often contributes substantially to national income. To date, they are a reason for political disputes, bitter competition in the trading market and can lead to exploitation in the countries of production. Just like that, colonial structures are perpetuated.
Tea originates exclusively from the leaves, leaf buds and delicate stems of the tea plant (Camellia sinensis). Only after wilting, rolling, fermenting, crushing and drying is black tea produced. Green tea is not fermented and therefore retains its color.
Hot as hell, black as night and sweet as love is the supposedly perfect coffee, made from seeds of the coffee plant (Coffea arabica). However, perfect is at most only the drink itself, because coffee is not a pleasure for everyone. Farmers are heavily dependent on the world market. They often earn less than what it costs to produce the raw coffee. Here in this country, coffee can be bought for less than 3 € per pound. Fairly traded and organically produced coffee is closer to 5 €.