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09/15/2022 | Research

SDG graduate program CirCles launches with international panel discussion

Image source: FG SWW

Sept. 15, 2022 marked the official launch of the SDG graduate program CirCles with the international panel discussion "Sustainable management of urban residual biomass".

After presentation of the research focus of CirCles by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tobias Morck, the discussion was enriched with a perspective from the Global South by Prof. Dr. Willis Gwenzi (University of Zimbabwe) and comprehensive practical insights by Mr. Leopold Steinbeis (Fachverband Pflanzenkohle e.V., Leonberg). The panel presentations can be viewed here.

The panel was part of the inaugural conference "Challenges of Sustainability Research" of the newly founded Kassel Institute for Sustainability, which comprehensively addresses the challenges of sustainable development in the sense of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.