Hydrology and Substance Balance

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At the section Hydrology and Substance Balance, our research and teaching focus on the fate of pollutants and nutrients in the aquatic environment, as well as on the anthropogenic influence on the water balance.


02/12/2025 | FB14 | Research

New publication: High-resolution simulation of nitrate and ammonium in a small catchment area

For the first time in the world, nitrate and ammonium were simulated in a river of a small catchment area with a high temporal resolution of 10 minutes. Diffuse sources (from agriculture) and point sources (from settlements) were taken into account. The corresponding publication is open access and can be read here:

Spill, C., Gassmann, M., 2025. High Resolution Simulation of Nitrate and Ammonium From Point and Diffuse Sources in a Small Headwater Catchment. Hydrological Processes 39 (2). DOI: 10.1002/hyp.70081.

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Open and completed Bachelors'- and Masters' thesis.

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