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Neuer Artikel: Christian Schneijderberg, Nicolai Götze, Isabel Steinhardt, Janosch Schindler (2022): (Be)Werten im organisationsabhängigen Interaktionssystem
Die Autor*innen konzentrieren sich auf die formale Organisation von (Be)Werten. Sie untersuchen geleitet von Luhmanns …How to Achieve Ethical Persuasive Design - Veröffentlichung im THCI Special Issue
Why are people in some places more willing to reduce their chances of getting COVID19?
A new study by Burcu Ozgun & Tom Broekel published in RegionalStudies, explores the role of regional news coverage on…06.März 2023-07.März 2023
16.März 2023
Beitrag von Professor Jörn Lamla im Wissenschaftsfjahr 2022: Demokratische Technikgestaltung
New Working Paper online: "The Role of European Universities in an Age of Pandemic" ed. by A. Veiga and T. Seidenschnur
Eight research teams wrote reports on universities during the pandemic in their respective countries. INCHER members Tim…Forschungsstark in BWL: Uni Kassel unter den Top 20
Neuerscheinung: "Soziologie der Privatheit" von Carsten Ochs
Neuerscheinung: "Big Data - Big Accountability" von Constantin Herfurth
New article by Omer Caliskan & Karri Holley University of AlabamaDoctoral education, study abroad, and employability: a comparative perspective from the US and Turkey.
Drawing on comparative research from two countries (Turkey and the United States), this chapter examines global…INCHER (e)update 2/22 appeared
INCHER newsletter (e)update published in autumn 2022. The newsletter contains information on current research, new…Goda Klumbytė hält Keynote auf der Konferenz "Encountering Non-Humans: On Methodologies for the Post-Anthropocene"