Members of the scientific team of DecLaRe

Dr. Kwame Oppong Hackman

Principal Investigator and Senior scientist

Regional Thematic Coordinator land use / land cover / land degradation nexus


E-Mail: Hackman[dot]k[at]wascal[dot]org

Dr. Jesse Naab

Senior scientist

Regional Thematic Coordinator of sustainable agriculture and climate smart landscapes


E-Mail: naab[dot]j[at]wascal[dot]org

Dr. Belko Abdoul Aziz Diallo

Senior scientist

Head of the WASCAL Data Management Department


E-Mail: diallo[dot]b[at]wascal[dot]org

Dr. Kisito Gandji

Post-doctoral scientist

DecLaRe core staff


E-Mail: gandji[dot]k[at]wascal[dot]org

Mr. Audrey Codjia

DecLaRe project assistant


E-Mail: codjia[dot]k[at]wascal[dot]org