
In the Center for Interdisciplinary Nanostructure Science and Technology (CINSaT) a main focus is the research interdisciplinarity of nanotechnology. Due to the extension of departments beyond biology, chemistry and physics the scientific center of the Kassel university requests and promotes the cooperation of miscellaneous working groups. Due to the contribution of the special expertises of the groups specific novel project ideas are developed to fabricate, analyze and characterize nanostructures and are implemented into new applications.

03/24/2023 | Aktuelles

CINSaT elects new Executive Board

On February 28, 2023, the CINSaT again held its General Assembly, where, among other things, the election for the new Executive Board was held. We may hereby announce that Prof. Dr. Johann P. Reithmaier will continue to hold the position of CINSaT spokesperson. Prof. Dr. Friedrich W. Herberg resigns from his position in the board and is now succeeded by Prof. Dr. Arno Müller. Thus, the CINSaT Executive Board now consists of Prof. Dr. Johann P. Reithmaier, apl. Prof. Dr. Thomas Fuhrmann-Lieker, Prof. Dr. Thomas Niendorf and Prof. Dr. Arno Müller.