
03/05/2024 | Incher | Publikationen

Turkish translation of Ulrich Teichler's biographic book new on the market

The Turkish translation of “Hochschulforschung - Was sonst?/Higher Education Research – What Else?” by Ulrich Teichler just recently got published!

Ulrich Teicher: Yükseköğretim Araştırmaları ve Ötesi. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık 2024.

The title “Higher Education Research – What Else? The Story of a Lifetime – In Conversations with Anna Kosmützky and Christiane Rittgerott” by Ulrich Teichler has been published in Turkish translation by publisher Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık based in Ankara.

In the book,  Ulrich Teichler looks back on more than five decades of higher education research and touches on topics such as the economic miracle and the expansion of higher education, the student movement, experiments and crises of the 1970s, organisational collapse, reunification, internationalisation, ranking and the cult of management.

The book is also available in German as "Hochschulforschung - was sonst? Rückblick auf ein Wissenschaftlerleben. Gespräche mit Anna Kosmützky und Christiane Rittgerott. Opladen u.a.: Budrich 2020.

A Chinese translation is in preparation.