News and press releases

06/26/2018 | CINSat | Aktuelles

Interdisciplinary seminar event for students

Due to the positive experience CINSaT had made last year when organizing a seminar event for high school students for the first time with a focus on the MINT subjects, it soon became clear that a new edition of the event would be desirable for both sides. After the program was finished, 25 students and their teachers from Solling boarding school made their way to the CINSaT working groups. An important foundation for the future continuation of the seminar is the close contact with Dr. Frank Hubenthal, who himself was a long-time member of CINSaT before becoming a teacher. The aim of the seminar is to broaden the students' horizons with current research topics from the world of nanostructures. At the same time, however, it is also intended to provide insights into laboratory work as well as close cooperation between the classical disciplines such as biology, chemistry and physics, as it is impossible to imagine today's research landscape without them. The programme included a total of three half-hourly lectures from the fields of experimental physics, biology and technical physics, each of which was accompanied by a guided tour of the laboratory by the staff of the departments. This gave the students a very detailed picture of part of the basic research taking place at CINSaT. At the beginning, Dr. Holzinger offered an insight into the world of magnetic nanostructures, which have now found their way into new developments in the field of medical diagnostics in addition to the largely known hard disk technology. Prof. Stengl from the Department of Animal Physiology then gave an impressive presentation on the functioning of sensory organs and the body's own temporal clocking, for example in the perception of pain. The event was rounded off with an overview lecture by CINSaT speaker Prof. Reithmaier on nanostructures and their application in the field of laser structures and telecommunications.