
01/21/2025 | DFG-Projekt | Publikationen

New LCSS Working Paper sheds light on the relationship between cooperation and competition in higher education and sciencessenschaft erschienen

Kosmützky, Anna & Krücken, Georg (2025): Konkurrenz und Kooperation in Hochschulen und Wissenschaft. Hannover: Universität Hannover (LCSS Working Paper; 20)

The authors analyse the interplay of competition and cooperation in higher education and science in the context of modern multiple competition. The term ‘multiple competition’ refers to the multitude of actors, competitive goods and organisers of this competition as well as their complex relationships. The analysis focuses on the competition between individual researchers, universities as organisations and state actors and their interdependencies. It is argued that increasing competition between these actors leads to more and also to new forms of cooperation and thus also changes the relationship between competition and cooperation.
