
11/20/2023 | Incher

INCHER Professors Georg Krücken and Ulrich Teichler on Stanford University's 2023 database of top-cited scientists

In October 2023, Stanford University published its updated list of the top 2% most frequently cited scientists. For 2022, more than 20 scientists from the University of Kassel are named, including Professor Georg Krücken (Spokesman of the INCHER Board of Directors) and INCHER Founding Director Professor Ulrich Teichler.

Stanford University's publicly accessible database lists a large number of standardized citation indicators. For the year 2022, 26 scientists from the University of Kassel are on Stanford University's list. Among them are the INCHER members Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ulrich Teichler (emeritus), who is among the 100,000 most cited (excluding self-citations) and the speaker of the INCHER Executive Board Prof. Dr. Georg Krücken (among the 200,000 most cited).

The Stanford University database shows separate data on the influence of researchers over their entire career and for a single current year. The selection is based on the top 100,000 researchers according to c-score (both with and without self-citations) or a percentile rank of 2% or more in the respective sub-field. The c-score focuses on importance (i.e. number of citations) rather than productivity (number of publications) and also takes into account information on co-authorship and author position (single, first and last author).

The database and all lists can be found here:  
