

Welcome to the Board of Directors of INCHER Prof. Dr. Kuhn

On May 27, 2024, the Presidential Board of the University of Kassel decided to accept Professor Dr. Hans-Peter Kuhn as a professorial member of INCHER' Executive Board.

Professor Dr. Kuhn is Professor of Educational Science / Empirical Educational Research at the University of Kassel. His research focuses on empirical school research and youth research.


One of his most recent publications is: Valentin, J., Fischer, N., Kuhn, H.P. (2023). Multiprofessionelle Lernumgebungen im universitären Kontext. In: Weber, S.M., Fahrenwald, C., Schröer, A. (Hg.): Organisationen optimieren?. Organisation und Pädagogik, vol 31. Springer VS, Wiesbaden. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-36008-5_14