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Happy Birthday Ulrich Teichler

Ulrich Teichler, the long-time director of INCHER and the founder of German-language higher education research, turns 80.

In a laudation, Ludwig Huber once called him the "Hercules of higher education research", thus referring to the famous Kassel landmark, while others have called him "the old guru" (Katja Rudolf in the HNA of 16.11.2020) or also XXL researcher ("Who fits Teichler XXL?", DUZ v. 19.12.2008). All this fits wonderfully and also again it dioes not. One thing is certain: without him, higher education research in Germany would not be the way it is today. Ulrich Teichler is also the generous donor of a prize for young researchers in higher education research, which has been awarded annually since 2008 for outstanding doctoral theses and master theses.

He has shaped research at INCHER (formerly WZ I) at the University of Kassel with infectious energy and an analytical eye that always reveals surprising perspectives. His humor, openness, internationality and hospitality have made INCHER a place with a very special working atmosphere.

Three new Books

Three more books were completed in time for his 80th birthday. One of them is a modified English-language edition of the German biographical book already published in 2019 "Hochschulforschung - Was sonst", the new English version has been available since June 2022: Ulrich Teichler. Higher Education – What Else? The Story of a Lifetime. In Conversation with Anna Kosmützky and Christiane Rittgerott. Opladen: Budrich Academic Press, 2022 (ISBN 978-3-96665-058-8).

Further published in June 2022 are:

Zhànruǐ Wáng, Ulrich Teichler und Yōuliáng Zhâng (Eds.). Gāo děng jiào yù guó jì huà jí qí yǐng xiǎng yǔ qū shì: Quán qiú shì yě yǔ zhōng guó xuǎn zé (Internationalization of Higher Educa¬tion: Global Vision and China's Choice). Beijing: Science Press, 2021 (ISBN 978-7-03-069879-7).

Ulrich Teichler. Gāo děng jiào yù guó jì huà: Cóng duí bǐ zhōng xué xí (Internationalisation of Higher Education: Learning from Comparisons). Herausgegeben von Yanhua Bao und Tingting Li. Beijing: Science Press, 2022. (3) Futao Huang, Timo Aarrevaara und Ulrich Teichler (Eds.). Lehre und Forschung in der wissensbasierten Wirtschaft: Historische und vergleichende Perspektiven. Cham: Springer, 2022 (ISBN 978-3-031-04438-0).