Noel Japheth


International Center for Higher Education Research (INCHER)
University of Kassel
Moenchebergstr. 17
Kassel, Germany

From November 1st, 2023, Noel Japheth from the Moi University, Kenya, will stay at INCHER as a DAAD research fellow for two years.

Noel Japheth holds a Bachelor of Arts in Education from Kabale University, a Master of Education in Educational Psychology from Mbarara University of Science and Technology in Uganda and a Master of Education in Research from Moi University in Kenya. He has worked as a research assistant at the DAAD funded Centre of Excellence; East and South African-German Centre of Excellence for Educational Research Methodologies and Management (CERM-ESA), Moi University. In 2022, he received a Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Grant to Trnava University, Slovakia for a three months stay.

From now on, he will work on a doctoral research project under the supervision of Prof Dr Georg Krücken and with the support of other INCHER members.  His work will focus on the inclusion of minorities in the higher education system in Uganda.

His research interests are:

  •  Inclusive higher education
  • Education for minority social groups (People with disabilities, Migrants, refugees and indigenous inhabitants)
  • Postgraduate education
  • Higher Education Governance