Disciplines in competition

Does the fit between the competitive practices of individual researchers and the organizational competition practices of their universities vary according to the discipline? From the perspectives of organizational sociology, science studies and (e)valuation studies, this project investigates the discipline-specific differences in the interplay between individual and organizational competition at German universities. The underlying assumption is that discipline-specific differences will be observed relating to the fit between individual and organization competitions. Since universities are guided by the perceived requirements of multiple organizational competition, we expect ceteris paribus, symbolic and material advantages for those disciplines that fit better with these expectations compared to disciplines with a weaker fit. As universities can reflexively deal with disciplinary differences, we expect intra-university conflicts but also coping practices and compensation where subject-related disadvantages or preferences are perceived. The project investigates these hypotheses by using a qualitative research design. It systematically tracks competitive practices of individual researchers in 12 disciplinary specialties and compares them with the competitive practices and requirements of their respective universities. Additionally, the project identifies patterns of reflexive reactions to disciplinary differences and develops a typology of conflicts and coping mechanisms.