
Current Events

10/09/2017 | ITeG

Professor Dr. Klaus David zur plenary keynote speech auf die IEEE PIMRC 2017 nach Montreal, Kanada eingeladen

Auf dem IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (pimrc'17), das in diesem Jahr vom 8.-13. Oktober in Montreal in Kanada stattfindet, wird Prof. Dr. Klaus David eine Keynote Lecture halten zum Thema "THE WIRELESS SEAT BELT: AN INNOVATIVE APPROACH FOR CAR2P/VRU SAFETY BASED ON 5G AND MACHINE LEARNING".

Abstract der Keynote:

The World Health Organization in its latest report on road safety states that more than 20% of all road traffic deaths comprise pedestrians – far more then a quarter of a million per year. Since many years the automotive industry is working on reducing this number by using passive as well as active approaches (like Camera or LIDAR based systems). Recent advances in mobile communications (LTE and 5G) and Machine Learning allow for an innovative, co-operative Car2P/VRU (car to pedestrian/ vulnerable road user) safety system, which we call Wireless Seat Belt (WSB). Starting from typical accident scenarios, the requirements for such a system, including the requirements on the wireless communications, especially latency, various architectures and an overall system solution are discussed. This includes how machine learning helps to determine the activity of the pedestrian such as walking, standing, or stepping down a curb – based on real-time sensor data of smartphones. This context information and its interpretation is a prerequisite for correcting available sensor data, e.g. increasing position accuracy and for triggering accident avoidance actions. For full acceptance of WSB there are further concerns to be considered, such as privacy protection and the prevention of false alarms. Furthermore, it will be shown, how WSB can be economically viable to various stakeholders and ideas for sustainable business cases are sketched. The keynote provides an indication, why WSB is close to an optimal solution and its advantages compared to other approaches. Further information

Weitere Informationen zur Konferenz:

"PIMRC is one of the premier conferences in the wireless research arena and has a long history of bringing together academia, industry and regulatory bodies. Today, it has become one of IEEE Communication Society’s flagship conferences in telecommunications. On the top of a rich variety of regular technical sessions, PIMRC will include plenary keynote speech sessions and panel discussions featuring world-class innovators in wireless technologies and their ubiquitous applications, tutorials, workshops, and special sessions covering the most disruptive topics, as well as exciting sociocultural events meant to offer an unforgettable taste of Montreal‘s distinctive joie de vivre and creativeness." Further information.