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03/01/2021 | Publikationen

NEW: Review on sociological research on sciene and higher education by Anna Kosmützky and Georg Krücken

Kosmützky, Anna; Krücken, Georg (2020): Science and Higher Education. In: Betina Hollstein, Rainer Greshoff, Uwe Schimank und Anja Weiß (eds.): Soziologie - Sociology in the German-Speaking World. (Sepcial Issue: Soziologische Revue). Berlin and Boston: de Gruyter, S. 345–360.

A special issue of the Soziologische Revue edited by Hollstein, Greshoff, Schimank and Weiß provides the first systematic overview of the current state of sociology in German-speaking countries in the English language. With their chapter „science and higher education“ Anna Kosmützky and Georg Krücken review recent developments in the field, relate them to the international discussion and point out challenges and perspectives for future research. Following a macro–meso–micro logic, they present the major findings of sociological research on science and higher education, highlighti theoretical contributions, empirical findings, and methodological innovations.

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