Kassel Partner Meeting
SysOrg Partner Meeting at the Research Farm Frankenhausen of the University of Kassel, 9 – 12 October 2022
9 October 2022
- Arrival of all the Partners; introduction and warm-up round with stating the expectations towards the Meeting.
10 October 2022
- Presentations of the four project perspectives – “System transition”, “Diet”, “Organic” und “Waste” of the respective responsible partners.
- Presenting the general information on the perspectives, specifications on the data analysis procedure, data collection details and the first results; exchange of ideas about the integration of results from the four perspectives.
- Clarification regarding the approach vis-à-vis the handling of missing data; integration of the different datasets / types; harmonization of terminology and definitions.
11 October 2022
- Presentations of the SysOrg-based PhD projects, incl. publication plans of all the Partners: general information about the topics of the PhD projects, methodology, research questions and the specific aims and objectives.
- Discussion of the data analysis approach (household survey and interviews).
12 October 2022
- Discussion of the reporting procedures within the SysOrg project (reports on the four perspectives and reporting for the National Funding Agencies).
- Wrapping up round: agreeing upon the still open question areas to be focused on within the upcoming weeks/months and individual feedback of the participants.
- Departure.
Results and Outputs of the Meeting
- Reaching consensus regarding the compilation of a combined overview of the planned project-related publications containing information from all the partner institutions.
- Reaching consensus regarding data management of the collected from household survey data and the establishment of a “data cleaning working group” taking up the responsibility for the uniformity of the joint set of data from all case territories so as to enable the following statistical data analysis.
- Agreeing upon organizing an additional Partner Meeting in Cilento in March 2023 based on the fact that the first multi-stakeholder workshop in Cilento had to take place online due to pandemic-induced restrictions and the in-person meeting in Kassel has proven very efficient.
- Identification of the currently existing challenges and working out the resolution strategies.