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Dr. Christiane Rittgerott
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01/09/2023 | Incher | Publikationen

New Working Paper online: "The Role of European Universities in an Age of Pandemic" ed. by A. Veiga and T. Seidenschnur

Eight research teams wrote reports on universities during the pandemic in their respective countries. INCHER members Tim Seidenschnur and Pedro Pineida wrote the report for Germany and Tim Seidenschnur contributed the summary chapter together with co-editor Amélia Veiga.

The main objectives of the exploratory project "The role of European universities in an Age of Pandemic" which is the basis for the published working paper were (i) to analyse the effects of the pandemic at the system and institutional levels and (ii) to understand how perceptions and reactions dealing with the crisis affecting education, research and engagement with the society induces visions about the future. In doing so, our research aims to identify how COVID-19 changes higher education systems and institutions by also taking pre-existing conditions into consideration. We, therefore, analyse how the pandemic and the responses in the field of higher education differ between countries according to different framing conditions. To reach this goal, our study presents findings from 8 participating countries – England, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, and Portugal.
The working papers series is published by the Centre for Higher Education Futures (CHEF) at the Danish School of Education, Aarhus University. The series brings together work in progress in Denmark and among an international network of scholars involved in research on universities and higher education.