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11/16/2021 | Projet de la DFG

INCHER welcomes Katarina Zigova as part of the research team

Recently, Katarina Zigova has joined INCHER-Kassel as post-doctoral researcher within the DFG research group "mul­ti­ple com­pe­ti­ti­on in hig­her edu­ca­ti­on".

She will be part of the team around Guido Bünstorf investigating how com­pe­ti­ti­on among uni­ver­si­ties af­fect the la­bor mar­ket for new PhDs. Katarina graduated from Comenius University in Bratislava (2000) and Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna (2002), and workes six years as consultant for United Nations (UNIDO in Vienna and UNDP in Bratislava) before she commenced her doctoral studies in Quantitative Economics at the University of Konstanz. Since obtaining her doctoral degree in 2014 she worked as postdoctoral researcher at the University of Konstanz and Freiburg. In her research she focuses on topical problems in the Economics of Education, Science and Personnel fields.