What do civil society organisations in the global South need from us in Europe?
This GPN workshop aimed at providing a public platform for the GPN partner civil society organisation Balai Citoyen. It enabled a German and international public in Kassel to get to know their political work and movement objectives and critically engage with Ousmane Miphal LANKOANDE, one of their representatives. An interactive exchange between a politically interested public and Miphal led to a deeper analysis of the movement in its specific historical and geo-political context including how multiple crises affect the movement’s work.
In a second step, the discussion was steered around the wishes and expectations from civil society in the global South (represented by the Balai Citoyen) towards civil society in the global North which want to support in solidarity.
- Very short presentation of the organizers and their interest in organizing this event:
- GPN presented by Fiona Faye
- afrique-europe-interact kassel presented by Mamadou Bolly Keira
- Input by Ousmane Miphal LANKOANDE: Genesis of the Balai Citoyen which started as social movement chasing away a dictator and then professionalized into a NGO
- Fishbowl discussion: What does the Balai Citoyen expect/wish for from civil society organizations in the Global North? How should transnational cooperation / global partnership between civil society in the global South and North look like? – moderated by Fiona Faye
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