
Site selection days 2024

On April 18 and 19, Clausthal University of Technology and the Federal Company for Final Disposal (BGE) jointly organized the fourth site selection days at the Rammelsberg World Heritage Site in Goslar. The series of events takes into account the scientific exchange with the expert public and the interested public in the search for a "site with the best possible safety" for the final disposal of the highly radioactive waste produced in Germany.

Fabian Fritsch, scient. Fabian Fritsch, research associate at our department, presented the current state of development for the assessment of human reliability in the conception phase on the way to a final disposal site.

Henriette Muxlhanga, a research associate at our department. Henriette Muxlhanga, research associate at our department, presented a poster on a psychological experiment on the influence of the "human factor" in numerical simulations, which was carried out as part of TRANSENS together with the Clausthal University of Technology.

In addition to the scientific program, various guided tours of the Rammelsberg visitor mine, which, like the old town of Goslar, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, rounded off the event.