News and activities

02/23/2024 | Personalia

Congratulations Dr.-Ing. Shen: Celebrating a monumental academic achievement!

We are thrilled to announce that Mr. Xiao Shen successfully completed his PhD defense!

Image: GWS
From left to right: Prof. Bleck (promoter), Mr. Xiao Shen, Prof. Song (2nd promoter), Prof. Münstermann (host)

We are thrilled to announce that Mr. Xiao Shen successfully completed his PhD defense on February 23, 2024, and has been awarded the 'Dr.-Ing.' degree.

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Xiao Shen on this remarkable accomplishment. We wish him continued success in his future endeavors and look forward to seeing his ongoing contributions to the academic and professional community.

Congratulations, Dr. Shen!