
ELiNa @ CINSaT Spring Colloqium 2024

The Extreme Light department presents itself to the CINSaT members and applies for membership.

The Center for Interdisciplinary Nanostructure Science and Technology (CINSaT), located at the University of Kassel, connects many research areas of the natural sciences from physics to biology and engineering. The group of Extreme Light for Nanostructures (ELiNa) and its expertise on the generation of micro- and nanometric material's functionalization can contribute to different focal points of CINSaT including focal point 6 on nanomaterials, to further expand the existing interdisciplinary cooperation in the center.

Prof. Florian Baron presented an overview of his recent projects and targeted research lines for the new department, showcasing the connections to the CINSaT network of scientists. Dr. Bastian Zielinski contributed during the Poster Session, presenting experimental results about the efficiency of Temporal Airy Pulses for glass dicing, performed by Madalin-Stefan Radu in our femtosecond laser lab (Erasmus Mobility from University of Craiova, Romania).