Jose Arroyo Portillo (M. Sc.)

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Fachgebiet Projektmanagement in der Digitalen Transformation

Universität Kassel
Fachgebiet Projektmanagement in der Digitalen Transformation
Heinrich-Plett-Str. 40
D-34109 Kassel

Montag bis Freitag / 08:00 - 12:00

Kurzbiographie  (Jose Arroyo Portillo (M. Sc.))

Ich bin ein Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Projektmanagement in der Digitalen Transformation an der Universität Kassel. Meine Forschungsexpertise liegt in der Nutzung fortschrittlicher Techniken des maschinellen Lernens und der künstlichen Intelligenz, um die makroökonomischen Ergebnisse von Projekten in unserer Gesellschaft zu analysieren. Außerdem entwickle ich innovative Forschungsmethoden, um das Feld voranzubringen, und ich verfolge einen interdisziplinären Ansatz, der es mir ermöglicht, die zentrale Rolle von Projekten bei der Erreichung gesellschaftlicher Ziele zu verstehen. Darüber hinaus engagiere ich mich für lebenslanges Lernen und beschäftige mich aktiv mit der neuesten Forschung in den Bereichen künstliche Intelligenz, maschinelles Lernen, Projektmanagement und Verhaltensökonomie.

Forschungsinteressen und -methoden  (Jose Arroyo Portillo (M. Sc.))

  • Verhaltensökonomie in Organisationen, Projekten und der Hochschulbildung
  • KI und ML in Projektmanagement
  • Wissensmanagement und Wissenstransfer in Organisationen, Projekten und der Hochschulbildung
  • IT- und IT-Dienstleistungsprojekte
  • Methoden der textuellen Daten unter Verwendung von KI und ML

Schwerpunkte in der Lehre  (Jose Arroyo Portillo (M. Sc.))

  • KI in Projektmanagement
  • Nachhaltigkeit in Projektmanagement
  • Strategie und Projektmanagement

Aktuelle Forschungsthemen  (Jose Arroyo Portillo (M. Sc.))

TopicResearch question  
Open topicOpen research question  
NetworksCan reputation be increased faster by increasing the exposure to the project team?  
Project ManagementIs it possible to change norms faster by increasing the exposure to the desired norm?  
Innovation ManagementDoes the process of reading produce more unique innovation project proposals? What low-cost tool can be developed to methodically produce these unique proposals via reading?  
Project Portfolio ManagementWhat can we learn from Chinese R&D? An investigation in the uniqueness of Chinese R&D management methods in natural sciences.  
Sustainable Project ManagementDoes there exist another tension - the creativity tension - in sustainable project management?  
Project ManagementIs it possible to design an environment where actions cause resources to accumulate? This is also known as the "Matthew Effect".  
PsychologyDo increased serotonin levels reduce impulsive decision making in projects?  
CommunicationCan detailed status update reviews by project managers increase performance?  
Change ManagementCan one suggestion for team improvement as weekly task improve project team performance?  
Knowledge ManagementWhat is the best incentive for project teams to develop knowledge base outside the context of work?  
CommunicationIs written task assignment (along with project relevant documents) better than oral task assignment?  
Project Performance ManagementWhat time-task format is more productive? Sprints, continuous, etc.  
Knowledge ManagementIs it possible to design a learning software for current team members to meet future knowledge requirements of upcoming projects?  
Knowledge Management

Is it possible to design a learning software for university students members to meet future knowledge requirements of upcoming projects?

PsychologyHow can a project manager steadily improve project team cognitive endurance and thus focus/concentration?  
Project Performance ManagementHow does daily skill refinement improve project performance?  
Research & DevelopmentWhat can we learn from old USSR R&D projects?  
Research & DevelopmentWhat can we learn from Medieval R&D projects using Renaissance data?  
NetworksCan the reputation of a project worker in an organization be better modeled with wave mathematical models from physics?  
Project Performance ManagementIs it better to manage project tasks via flows rather than one-off taks completions?  
TechnologyWhat kind of tasks can be automated in the project environment?  
NetworkHow long does it take an idea to spread across project organizations of different levels?  
Human ResourcesWhat are the current barriers in project work for skilled immigrants? What institutions are required for German comanies to hire more of these immigrants?  
InnovationWhat is the ratio of resources required to achieve a radical innovation compared to incremental innovation?  
Knowledge ManagementDoes the "Zettelkasten" method improve project performance and competive edge?  
NetworkDo more business trips with your team improve creativity?  
Project ManagementIs it possible for a project manager to become an expert at managing?  
Knowledge ManagementIs it possible for "just-in-time" learning to be applied in project contexts? What would a tool look like that applies this concept?  
Human ResourcesWhat are modern signals that a potential future university student can send to a project manager to show the student is qualified for the project?  
NetworksIs it possible to design a platform that hires people and matches them to projects within the context a multi-organizational network?   
Knowledge ManagementWhat management practices exist to systematically reduce technology adoption costs?  
NetworksDoes the "Matthew Effect" - a natural phenomenon that resources are cummulative based on the effort invested by a single person - exist also in project networks?  

Akademische Ausbildung  (Jose Arroyo Portillo (M. Sc.))


10.2019 - 04.2023

Universität KasselBehavioral Economics and Governance (M. Sc.)
06.2015 - 12.2018The University of Texas of the Permian BasinEconomics (B. A.)


Berufserfahrung  (Jose Arroyo Portillo (M. Sc.))

  • 2023 - heute: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Fachgebiet Projektmanagement der Universität Kassel
  • 2021 - 2023: Studentischer Mitarbeiter am Fachgebiet Projektmanagement in der Digitalen Transformation
  • 2013 - 2018: Datenanalyst bei Öl- und Finanzunternehmen