university courses
office hours
Daten anzeigen für:
adding information
announcing ...
apologizing ...
asking about ...
asking communication participants to speak more loudly
asking communication participants to speak more slowly
asking for ...
avoiding a direct answer
building rapport
changing the topic
checking ...
commenting ...
comparing figures
continuing after an interruption
cutting off communication participants
describing ...
disagreeing - in a presentation
disagreeing with a previous speaker
dividing the audience into groups
dividing the audience into pairs
encouraging ...
ending a conversation
explaining the collection of material
explaining the distribution of handouts
expressing ...
finishing course admin
framing a digression
framing an expansion
getting started
getting the audience's attention
getting the lecturer's attention
giving encouraging feedback - incorrect answer
giving negative feedback
giving positive feedback
giving your opinion when you are certain
giving your opinion when you are not certain
greeting s.o.
handing out material
handling questions
highlighting important information
indicating ...
indicating a conclusion
interpreting visualized data
interrupting s.o.
introducing ...
introducing a comparison
keeping your turn
moving on
offering help
outlining options
postponing a conversation
reacting to apologies
reacting to being thanked
reacting to interruptions
recommending literature
referring ...
referring sb to sb else
refusing to help
relating the topic to a context
saying good-bye
setting tasks
signalling the intention to say something
starting a conversation in office hours
stopping activities
suggesting a topic for a paper/presentation
summarizing in a discussion
talking about ...
thanking and ending a conversation in office hours
thanking for audience's attention
thanking s.o.
welcoming a guest speaker
welcoming students at the beginning of a course
welcoming students in the first session
welcoming the audience of a presentation