Research news
All news about the Research Focus Sustainable Transformation
Bioeconomy report: Germany needs too much land abroad for agriculture
Germany needs 2.8 times as much agricultural land as is available in its own country to meet demand. This is shown in a…Practical agricultural research: University of Kassel participates in Hesse-wide network with Leibniz Center
A new cluster for practical research in agricultural systems is being established in Hesse. In future, the University of…Researchers at the University of Kassel develop new transmission for electric commercial vehicles
While electric drives now have a significant market share in passenger cars and technical progress has also been made in…New study provides figures on the status and future of the energy transition in North Hesse
The "Barometer of the Energy Transition for Northern Hesse" examines the current status of the expansion of renewable…New visiting professorship for sustainability research at the Kassel Institute
The Kassel Institute for Sustainability at the University of Kassel is establishing its own visiting professorship. The…Reducing accident risks for cyclists with AI
Microbial recycling - a solution for multilayer plastic packaging?
Researchers at the University of Kassel and the Fraunhofer IEE optimize power grids with AI
Researchers at the University of Kassel are working together with the Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and…AI assistance systems also for cycling - new LOEWE project
Fewer and fewer traffic fatalities - this is also thanks to artificial intelligence (AI), which has been used…Free co-working spaces in the region to replace commuting to Kassel
Around 66,000 employees commute to the city of Kassel every day, quite a few of them by car. A project led by the…