Portraits and stories
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Reflecting on disability, religion and inclusion
Guillaume Dondainas is a research assistant at the Department of Religious EducationWhat the eyes reveal
The PRETINA joint project aims to make eye tracking legally compliant in everyday digital lifeFrom quanta to words
Alumna Sabrina Patsch switched from quantum physics to science journalism and is a successful science slammerWhat drives me - Jannes Lüdtke
Animations from the art academy are shown here
Students bring figures and sounds together at the HÖR.SPIEL Museum in Kassel"The disconnect between science and politics is almost unbearable"
Svenja Quitsch is a political scientist and doctoral candidate at FB 05 (Social Sciences). As part of her doctorate, she is investigating how post-growth ideas are discussed in international…Prof. Dr. Martin Bauspieß
New at the Faculty of Humanities and Cultural StudiesProf. Dr. Ann-Kathrin Arndt
New at the Faculty of Human SciencesProf. Dr. Martin Potthast
New at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering/Computer ScienceOrigami and other forms of mathematics
How handicrafts and brain games help in teaching