Order form

The prices quoted include VAT and are valid for collection.

Shipping and packaging costs will be charged separately.

Orders with postal shipping outside the university must include a minimum order value of 10 EURO.
Alternatively, you can pick up the goods on Mondays to Wednesdays between 8 am and 10:30 am.
(and by appointment)

The form offers an order possibility for 5 products. If you want to order more than 5 products, fill in another order form after this process.

How did you hear about us?
Your data
For internal university orders, please enter the cost center to be charged here.
Shopping cart
If you want to order more products, fill in another order form after this process.
Shipping / Collection

*By checking the box, you agree that the data you provide will be collected and stored electronically. Your data will only be used by us for the purpose of processing and answering your inquiry by the responsible employees of the University of Kassel. You can revoke this consent at any time by sending us a message. In the event of a revocation, your data will be deleted immediately.