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For your events, seminars and workshops you have the possibility to borrow rollups of the University of Kassel.

Mascot Kunibert - A highlight/ eye-catcher at every event

Our mascot - Kunibert - is an absolute eye-catcher and the cuddle factor is guaranteed!
He has already been seen at the campus festival and was also allowed to attend a graduation ceremony.
Kunibert will be happy to drop by.

Inquiries under:

Dimensions: Beachflag XS width 0.55 * height 130 cm, base 1.5 kg

Rollup for target group of students

Rollup "Study in Kassel
Rollup "Your Future

Rollups for competence fields of the University of Kassel

Rollup "Today for Tomorrow - Society
Rollup "Today for Tomorrow - Culture
Rollup "Today for Tomorrow - Nature
Rollup "Today for Tomorrow - Technology

Dimensions: width 1m * height 2.15 m
stable aluminum frame, easy and quick to assemble
Motifs "Today for tomorrow: society, nature, technology and culture".

Contact and lending

Mönchebergstraße 19
2nd floor, room 2550
34109 Kassel
Tel.: +49 561 804-2216